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Scientists Say: Kugelblitz

Kugelblitz (noun, “KOO-ghull-blitz”) A kugelblitz is a black hole made of pure light. Such objects are only theoretical. Some laws of physics suggest they should be able to...

starTracer – an accelerated approach for precise marker gene identification in single-cell RNA-Seq analysis

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is a powerful tool that allows researchers to dive deep into the diversity of cells within tissues. By examining gene expression at the...

Are large grazers a boon or bane for temperate salt marshes? Exploring context-dependency in the top-down trophic interactions of charismatic megafauna

Sean J Sharp (@seancologie, Linkedin), from University of Maryland, discusses his article: Large grazers suppress a foundational plant and reduce soil carbon concentration in eastern US saltmarshes Wild...

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Are large grazers a boon or bane for temperate salt marshes? Exploring context-dependency in the top-down trophic interactions of charismatic megafauna

Sean J Sharp (@seancologie, Linkedin), from University of Maryland, discusses his article: Large grazers suppress a foundational plant and reduce soil carbon concentration in...

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