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Arkitekt: streaming analysis and real-time workflows for microscopy

Mahecic, D. et al. Event-driven acquisition for content-enriched microscopy. Nat. Methods 19, 1262–1267 (2022).Article  CAS  PubMed  ...

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Electron transfer is everywhere | amphoteros

Have you ever noticed that, once a given idea gains acceptance in the community, everyone starts seeing its exemplification practically everywhere? I am not...

General negative pressure annealing approach for creating ultra-high-loading single atom catalyst libraries

Synthesis and structure investigation of Pt UHL-SACsGiven the wide applications of Pt-based catalysts33, UHL-SACs of Pt are initially investigated. The PCN is used as...

10x Genomics, Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT), and Sartorius Receive Top Honors at Life Science Industry Awards

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New data published on post-fire recovery of threatened plants – Ecology is not a dirty word

New paper published in Austral Ecology: Rapid on-ground assessment after the 2019–2020 megafires reveals new information on rare and threatened plants in northern New...

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