Cryptic population structure and insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae from the southern Democratic Republic of Congo

Adult mosquitoes were collected for sequencing, and larval stages collected and reared to adulthood for phenotypic assays, at the sites shown in Fig. 1.Fig. 1Map of the DRC showing the collection sites, where each circle represents a locality/village, coloured by the Province and location of each site.Insecticide resistance bioassaysLarvae collected from each of the nine sites and reared to adulthood were tested against three insecticides at standard discriminating doses: alpha-cypermethrin (0.05%), deltamethrin (0.05%) and permethrin (0.75%). Bioassay results for An. gambiae s.l. are shown in Fig. 2 and given in full in Table S2. In all but one of the 27 site and insecticide combinations, mortality was less than 90%, indicating resistance according to WHO criteria14—mortality after deltamethrin exposure was 91% in Bianki, Mikalayi, indicating suspected resistance.Fig. 2Pyrethroid insecticide resistance profiles for Anopheles gambiae s.I from the nine collection sites (three sites, each containing three sub-sites, 80–100 mosquitoes tested per site) assessed using WHO diagnostic bioassays. Error bars are 95% confidence limits.Although all sites showed resistance to all three pyrethroids according to WHO criteria, there were significant differences between sites (Table S3); with Mikalayi showing least resistance and Kimpese showing strongest resistance (Table S4). Within sites there were also statistically significant differences in mortality to all three insecticides between some sub-sites; these differences were strongest between sub-sites in Kimpese, with Yanga Diansonga showing the highest resistance (Wald χ2 = 7.42, P = 0.006) and Viaza the lowest (Wald χ2 = 53.54, P < 0.001). The insecticide used also had a significant impact on mortality (Wald χ2 = 24.35, P < 0.001), with deltamethrin overall producing lower mortality than alpha-cypermethrin and permethrin (P < 0.001).Adult mosquito collectionOver the collection period, a total of 2153 adult Anopheles mosquitoes were collected in Mikalayi, Kimpese and Kapolowe by pyrethrum spray catch with An. funestus sensu lato (s.l.) being the predominant species (64%), followed by An. gambiae s.l. (36%) and An. paludis (0.2%). The mean indoor resting density of An. gambiae s.l. was 4.8 and of An. funestus s.l. was 7.7 per house across the three provinces, with An. gambiae s.l mean densities of 6.1, 4.7 and 3.7 observed in Kapolowe, Kimpese and Mikalayi, respectively. The mean indoor resting density of An. funestus s.l. was 6.6, 14.2 and 2.3 in Kapolowe, Kimpese and Mikalayi, respectively. In all sites, the majority of An. gambiae s.l. (84.3%, 730/866) and An. funestus s.l. (82.5%, 1140/1382) collected indoors were blood-fed. One of the Kimpese sub-sites, Viaza, did not yield enough adult An. gambiae to be sequenced as part of the Anopheles gambiae 1000 genome project12. Of the 237 samples sequenced, 165 passed quality control (QC) filtering. The samples were processed as part of the Anopheles gambiae genomic surveillance MalariaGEN vector observatory (VObs) project under sample set ID 1264-VO-CD-WATSENGA-VMF00164.Population structure and diversityPrincipal component analysis (PCA) of all sequenced individuals, (colour-labelled by collection site) for each chromosome is shown in Fig. S1. PCA showing their placement in the An. gambiae s.s. group with respect to other An. gambiae and An. coluzzi samples spanning the African continent, from the phase 3.0 release of the An. gambiae 1000 genome project is shown in Fig. S2. At least three differentiation patterns are evident in the plots. On chromosomes X and arms 3L/3R clear separation of the Kimpese (Kongo Central province) samples from those collected in Mikalayi (Kasai Central province) and Kapolowe (Haut Katanga province. Re-running the PCA as above, on chromosome 3L, on these two clusters (samples from Kimpese, and samples from Kapolowe/Mikalayi) (Fig. 3), show no major hidden structure within them, though there is some separation between Kimpese Kilueka and Kimpese Yanga Diansonga (Fig. 3A), and between Mikalayi and Kapolowe (Fig. 3B). Separation within Kimpese is despite the sample sites being only approximately 20 km apart, the smallest pairwise distance among any of the sites and far less than the distance between Mikalayi and Kapolowe (approximately 800 km). As samples from sites within Mikalayi and Kapolowe districts appear to represent similar populations, these were pooled by district in subsequent analyses.Fig. 3Principal component analysis (PCA) of samples from Kapolowe/Mikalayi (A) and Kimpese (B). PCA performed with genotypes from chromosome arm 3L. Points are coloured by collection location.Further differentiation between sites is evident for chromosome 2, likely because of polymorphism in paracentric chromosomal inversions. This is most clearly evident for 2L, suggestive of 2La inversion karyotype variation. Separation is also evident on chromosome 2L PC2 and 2R PC2, also reflecting population structure among locations. In each case, more clearly for 2R, there is some evidence of separation of the Mikalayi and Kapolowe collection locations, likely suggesting differentiation in inversion frequencies. This contrasts with results for the other chromosomes (which lack polymorphic inversions in An. gambiae), indicating that differentiation between Mikalayi and Kapolowe is focal to inversions rather than genomewide.Genomic diversityΠ, Watterson’s Θ (ΘW), and Tajima’s D were calculated and are shown in Fig. 4. ΘW was highest in Kimpese-Kilueka and Kimpese-Yanga Diansonga, and lowest in Kapolowe (Fig. 4B). π was highest in the two Kimpese cohorts compared to Mikalayi and Kapolowe. Tajima’s D was negative in all cases, and highest in Kapolowe. Kimpese–Kilueka had the lowest Tajima’s D. (Fig. 4C).Fig. 4Genomic diversity statistics from (Kimpese_Y = Yanga Diansonga; Kimpese_K = Kilueka) with 95% confidence intervals.Genomewide scans for signatures of selectionThe statistic H12 was used to investigate signals of selection within each population (Fig. 5). On chromosome 2, a pronounced peak around 28.5 Mb is present in Kimpese-Kilueka, Mikalayi and Kapolowe (Fig. 5), and to a much lesser extent in Kimpese-Yanga Diansonga, in which the largest peak is located at around 40.5 Mb. The 28.5 Mb peak centres on a cluster of P450 genes, including the proven pyrethroid-metabolising genes Cyp6aa1, Cyp6p3 and Cyp6p415,16. The 40.5 Mb peak centres on a gene AGAP003623 (long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase), which has no previous association with insecticide resistance. On chromosome 2L, the only clear area highlighted by H12 is a protracted region evident in all populations centred on the voltage-gated sodium channel (Vgsc), which contains well known resistance-conferring kdr mutations (Fig. 5). The only obvious peak on chromosome 3RL is in Kimpese-Yanga Diansonga, and is a clear signal evident just before 40 Mb (Fig. 5). This peak centres on AGAP012290, an unnamed gene with transmembrane neurotransmitter transporter activity, and six Cyp9 subfamily P450 genes (CYP9L1-3, CYP9J3-5), which are not currently known resistance candidate genes. Chromosome X shows considerable heterogeneity in signals between populations. In Mikalayi (Fig. 5), there are no obvious peaks, barring that proximate to the telomere (far left in Fig. 5), which is present in all populations and contains an uncharacterised gene AGAP000002. In both Kimpese populations, a very high and broad peak centres on the well-established pyrethroid metabolising gene Cyp9k1, with a second strong peak evident near 8.8 Mb in Kimpese-Yanga Diansonga and to a slightly lesser extent in Kapolowe and Kimpese–Kilueka. The closest gene to this peak is AGAP000500 (NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase, Cpr), which was identified in a previous genome wide scan as a strong potential candidate for resistance because of its essential role in all P450-mediated metabolism reactions17.Fig. 5Genome-wide selection scan using the H12 statistic. X axis indicates position in a chromosome (plot columns), Y axis indicates H12 in a cohort (plot rows). Annotated points indicate IR genes of interest.Genomic comparison between populations using FST
Genetic differentiation between the Mikalayi and Kapolowe populations, which showed differences in insecticide resistance profiles (see Fig. 2) are shown in Fig. 6. Moderate differentiation was seen in the Vgsc gene (2RL at approx 60 Mb) between Mikalayi and Kapolowe, with stronger differentiation spanning the entire area of the 2La inversion visible, concordant with the differentiation between these sites on PC1 in Fig. 3. Differentiation at the Vgsc between populations combined with a clear signal of selection (see Fig. 5) may indicate population-specific haplotypes of Vgsc, or different frequencies of the same haplotype.Fig. 6FST comparison plots between population pairs. X axis indicates chromosomal position (chromosome denoted on the top of the plot), Y axis indicates Fst. Each row of plots denotes the labelled population pair. Genes of interest are highlighted on the top of the plot with red dots.Differentiation on chromosome 2RL between Mikalayi and Kapolowe is dominated by an extremely strong, sharp peak centred on the Cyp6 P450 cluster (Fig. 6). Since H12 signals were similarly strong, this may indicate selection on different haplotypes in each population, or different frequencies of the same haplotype. A major peak area between 8.5 and 9 Mb dominates the FST profile between Mikalayi and Kapolowe and the Kimpese sites for chromosome X, in proximity to the Cpr gene (Fig. 6), and likely reflects a difference in the strength of H12 signal here between populations, which are present in Kapolowe but not in Mikalayi (Fig. 5).Differentiation between the two sites within Kimpese again highlights the Cyp6 cluster on 2R (Fig. 6), which was observed to show a much stronger H12 signal in Kilueka (Fig. 5) than Yanga Diansonga (Fig. 5). A second peak is also visible near 50 Mb. On chromosome X, differentiation around the Cpr gene is also evident, although far less pronounced than in comparisons with Mikalayi and Kapolowe (Fig. 6).Profiles of differentiation between the Kimpese populations on chromosomes 2L, 3R and 3L are less clear for the other chromosomes owing to relatively high baselines and lower peak FST. Some differentiation of the 2La inversion region is present (Fig. 6), but other peaks on each chromosome are generally not supported by multiple contiguous windows.Frequencies of known and candidate resistance markersSNP data from were screened for non-synonymous (protein altering) mutations in the resistance-associated genes Vgsc, Cyp4j5, Cyp6p4, Rdl, and in the Cpr gene newly implicated via the signals of selection analyses, and can be seen in Table 1 (more details in Table S4). The G280S (previously G119S) resistance mutation in the acetylcholinesterase (Ace-1) target site gene was screened but was absent in the samples and is not shown.
Table 1 Frequencies of non-synonymous SNPs in insecticide resistance-implicated genes across the three study districts, with Kimpese district separated into its two sub-districts.The most common mutation in Vgsc was 995F, which was present at high frequency in all populations, though notably lower in Mikalayi, which showed the highest frequency of the other well-known Vgsc mutant 995S; notably, the wild-type L995 was absent. Other resistance-associated non-synonymous SNPs in Vgsc, such as N1570Y, were absent; the only other present was R254K, which has previously been observed in close linkage with L995F but with an unknown effect on phenotype18. This variation between populations in the balance between 995F and S likely explains the Vgsc differentiation (Fig. 6) between Mikalayi and Kapolowe. Variants in the Rdl gene—a resistance-causing mutant (A296G) and linked, potentially compensatory variant (T345M)—were present at very low frequency, and the other known resistance-associated Rdl variant A296S was absent from the population19.Cyp4J5 is used as a predictive resistance marker in East African populations using the L43F mutation as a diagnostic SNP20. Twenty four substitutions were detected in Cyp4j5; L43F is present in all populations analysed here, with frequencies ranging from 0.19 to 0.64 (Table 1). Four non-synonymous variants with unknown phenotypic effects were detected in Cyp6p4 (Table 1), which is within a P450 cluster containing multiple duplications implicated in increased insecticide resistance17. Most notably, the L161F mutation was absent in both Kapolowe and Mikalayi while being present in Kimpese at 0.35 and 0.61 frequencies in Yanga Diansonga and Kilueka respectively.The three non-synonymous polymorphisms (K75N, T319N and A583S) at the candidate gene Cpr identified from genome scans show variation between populations. Mikalayi, which notably is the location with the lowest pyrethroid resistance in bioassays (Fig. 2), showed an extremely low frequency of each SNP (0.01 for each), whereas Kapolowe showed a relatively high frequency of the K75N mutant (0.51) but an absence of the others. In the two Kimpese populations, which showed higher overall resistance than Kapolowe and Mikayali (Fig. 2), mutant T319N was at higher frequency in Kimpese Yanga Diansonga (which had the most resistant mosquitoes and the strongest H12 signal at Cpr) than Kimpese Kilueka (0.7 vs 0.3), whilst the A583S mutant showed the opposite pattern (0.18 vs 0.40) (Table 1). Noting also that differentiation in the FST scans was very high in this area of the genome between Kapolowe and Mikalayi and between the two Kimpese populations, these three mutants follow a pattern which could be compatible with conferring different levels of resistance.Frequencies of known copy number variants (i.e. gene amplifications) are shown in Table 2 for resistance candidate genes (more details in Table S5). Copy number variation (CNV) frequencies at Gste2 are similar for the two Kimpese populations (0.65 and 0.59), and at lower frequency in Kapolowe than Mikalayi (0.27 vs. 0.61). (Table S6). Although these CNVs have been linked to signals of selection in other populations previously17, no convincing evidence was found from selection scans for peaks at the eGST cluster situated at approximately 28 Mb on chromosome 3R in the populations surveyed here. Amplification of Cpr was only detected in Kapolowe, and at a similar frequency to the K75N mutant (0.57 and 0.51, respectively), suggesting possible association. Amplifications at the two adjacent Cyp6aa genes were absent or very rare in the Kimpese populations but at high frequency in Kapolowe and Mikalayi. Duplications of Cyp6aa1 are associated with insecticide resistance, with one specific duplication (Dup1) co-occurring exclusively with the nearby Cyp6p4 I236M mutation6. While Cyp6aa1 CNVs were present at frequencies of 0.65 and 0.93 in Kapolowe and Mikalayi respectively, the I236M mutation was absent in all sites (Table 2), suggesting a different duplication to the Dup1 identified in east Africa previously.
Table 2 Frequencies of known copy number variants in candidate insecticide resistance genes.Cyp9K1 amplification was fixed in the Kimpese populations but absent from the other locations. This is of interest because a substantial H12 signal at Cyp9K1 was seen only in the two Kimpese populations (Fig. 5) and was absent from Kapolowe and Mikalayi (Fig. 5), suggesting the duplication may be the target of selection in Kimpese where mosquito populations show highest pyrethroid resistance.

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