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Can tree species diversity make our forest more resilient to climate change?

Eugénie Mas, from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (@MasPlantphys) discusses her article: Drought effects in Mediterranean forests are not alleviated by diversity-driven water source partitioning Forest are unique...

Building pangenome graphs | Nature Methods

Garrison, E. et al. Variation graph toolkit improves read mapping by representing genetic variation in the reference. Nature Biotechnol. 36, 875–879 (2018).Article  CAS  ...

Enhancing RNA-seq analysis by addressing all co-existing biases

RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) helps scientists study which genes are active in cells by reading the RNA molecules they produce. However, RNA-seq data often contains biases—errors that arise...

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A peak behind the (hosting) scenes of this blog.

A peak behind the (hosting) scenes of this blog. I should start by saying that the server on which this blog is posted was set...

Why did I take my blanket for a walk in the woods? – Naturally Speaking

Will McLellan takes us on a tour of his work on tick density in human-impacted environments. What are you studying? The word ‘tick’, to most people,...

Conserving urban biodiversity needs an evolutionary mindset – Colin Donihue

This is a re-post of one that Max Lambert and I wrote for the blog “Life in the City: Evolution in an Urbanizing World.” — A...

Chemistry wordoku #051 | Puzzle

Solve this ‘wordoku’ in the same way as sudoku with letters instead of numbers (the nine letters once in each row, column and nine-square...

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