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Automated gall bladder cancer detection using artificial gorilla troops optimizer with transfer learning on ultrasound images

This manuscript presents an automated GBCD-AGTOTL technique for US Images. The method examines the US images for the presence of gall bladder cancer using the DL model....

What makes songbirds different in their breeding cycles? – Functional Ecologists

In our latest post, authors Tom Martin and Penn Lloyd explore what makes songbirds different in their breeding cycles. Tom, a retired scientist of the University of...

Frequent CHD1 deletions in prostate cancers of African American men is associated with rapid disease progression

Institutional Review Board—Center for Prostate Disease Research (CPDR)The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences’ (Department of Defense) Institutional Review Board (OHRP #IRB00000968; FWA #FWA00005897) reviewed the...

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