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Diagnostic precision in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy using multi-center radiomics with 99mTc-DTPA SPECT/CT

PatientsThis retrospective study was performed in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration and approved by local Ethics Committee (approval no. UHCT22702). Adult patients (age ≥ 18 years) diagnosed with TAO...

Rationalised experiment design for parameter estimation with sensitivity clustering

Implementation of ABC-FARThe ABC-FAR method iteratively selects parameter combinations and either rejects or accepts them based on the associated (chi ^2) values, which measure the difference between...

Werewolves could learn from other critters when to hunt

aquatic: An adjective that refers to water.  behavior: The way something, often a person or other organism, acts towards others, or conducts itself.  colleague: Someone who works with another;...

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Covalent penicillin-protein conjugates elicit anti-drug antibodies that are clonally and functionally restricted

Ethics and permissionsAll experiments were conducted under approved licenses and protocols, consistent with national (as authorised by the Home Office of the United Kingdom)...

6 ways an athlete’s brain differs from an average person’s

To triumph over their competition, athletes must be the fastest, strongest or nimblest contenders in their respective events. Record breakers must then push even...

Molecular control via dynamic bonding enables material responsiveness in additively manufactured metallo-polyelectrolytes

Chemically-tunable synthesis of MPECsWe synthesized acrylate-based MPECs using a facile, single-step fabrication method via Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)-stereolithography. We first prepared a homogeneous photoresin...

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