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Comprehensive evaluation and prediction of editing outcomes for near-PAMless adenine and cytosine base editors

Generation of near-PAMless base editorsTo leverage the expanded PAM compatibility offered by SpRY, our study utilized the BE4max-SpRY and ABEmax-SpRY, which incorporate SpRY in place of SpCas9,...

The prominent pervasive oncogenic role and tissue specific permissiveness of RAS gene mutations

Data mining of CRISPR effect scores in DepMap showed prevalent difference in RAS genes between mutant lines vs. WT lines but also revealed drawbacks of individual assessment...

Multiple cell types including melanocytes contribute to elastogenesis in the developing murine aortic valve

Aortic valve eln expression peaks in early postnatal stagesTo assess the timeline of Eln expression, murine WT AoVs were isolated from various embryonic stages beginning from E13.5...

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Machine learning assisted prediction of organic salt structure properties

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