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Graph attention automatic encoder based on contrastive learning for domain recognition of spatial transcriptomics

With the aim of fully utilizing the available information for spatial domain recognition, we propose a deep learning-based method named GAAEST, which aims to uncover the hidden...

Identification of brain region-specific landscape and functions of clustered circRNAs in Alzheimer’s disease using circMeta2

A robust and comprehensive computational framework for circRNA cluster DE analysisMore than 50% of circRNAs are clustered due to alternative back splicing (ABS), forming groups of circRNAs...

The GIAB genomic stratifications resource for human reference genomes

The GIAB stratification resource is a publicly available dataset for the human reference genome. Here we describe the extension of this resource to the CHM13 reference genome...

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Chemical jigsaw puzzles: how do chemists identify molecules?

A quick thing before I get into this month’s chemistry ramble: I’m guessing that you, lovely reader, enjoy reading about science stuff. Especially stuff...

Can a tiny droplet of quantum fluid stop up-hill flowing liquid?

Since medieval times, the phenomenon of water flowing uphill has been considered miraculous, as...

The Biological Flora champions Sea Campions

Biological Flora author (and editor) Anthony Davy introduces a fascinating coastal species that offers many more ecological insights than one might imagine. This account of...

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