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Microbiome-based correction for random errors in nutrient profiles derived from self-reported dietary assessments

Overview of METRICWe aim to infer the true nutrient profile based on the assessed one and the measured gut microbial composition. A naive way to do this...

Automated classification in turtles genus Malayemys using ensemble multiview image based on improved YOLOv8 with CNN

All Malayemys species are native freshwater turtles that are endemic to mainland Southeast Asia. Based on morphological and molecular characteristics, including microsatellite DNA and mitochondrial DNA, it...

Why do atmospheric ‘ghosts’ glow green after red sprites?

atmosphere: The envelope of gases surrounding Earth, another planet or a moon. chemical: A substance formed from two or more atoms that unite (bond) in a fixed proportion...

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Mechanistic templates computed for the Grubbs alkene-metathesis reaction.

Mechanistic templates computed for the Grubbs alkene-metathesis reaction. Following on from my template exploration of the Wilkinson hydrogenation catalyst, I now repeat this for the...

Does wildlife rehabilitation really work?

Dearth of rigorous data means most rehabbers don’t know what happens to animals they’ve released back into the wild

By Investigating Itself The US Can Answer Many Of The Key COVID19 Origin Questions – Independent Science News

by Jorge Casesmeiro Roger On May 26 U.S. President Biden gave U.S. Intelligence agencies 90 days to report findings about the possible Wuhan lab origin...

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