The Coronavirus

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Prevention Strategy

Integrated ensemble CNN and explainable AI for COVID-19 diagnosis from CT scan and X-ray images

This section covers the specifics of the datasets employed in the study, the evaluation criteria for assessing the model’s performance, and the necessary model tuning and hyperparameter...

Meteorite 200 times larger than one that killed dinosaurs reset early life | Research

A giant meteorite that slammed into Earth over 3 billion years ago devastated early microbial life in the oceans, but also freed up a nutrient bonanza. This meteorite...

Uncovering genetic loci and biological pathways associated with age-related cataracts through GWAS meta-analysis

CohortsTo identify risk loci for cataracts, we conducted a GWAS meta-analysis that encompasses 67,844 cases and 517,399 controls from a meta-analysis of the United Kingdom Biobank (UKB)...

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Colourant chemistry identifies ancient Greek workshop for Tyrian purple | News

Chemical analysis of ancient pigment samples has helped archaeologists identify a site on the Greek island of Aegina where the dye Tyrian purple was...

researchers introduce generative AI for databases

A new tool makes it easier for database users to perform complicated statistical analyses of tabular data without the need to know what is...

Types of Chemistry Flasks: A Complete Guide

An important concern within any chemistry laboratory is the handling and storage of chemical substances regardless of the physical state in which they are....

How Long “Biodegradable” Straws Last in Ocean Waters

After 16 weeks in seawater, bioplastic straws made of foam (shown here) broke down at least twice as fast as the solid versions. Credit:...

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