A novel and fully automated platform for synthetic tabular data generation and validation

To demonstrate the performance of STNG, an empirical study was conducted using twelve real datasets for both binary and multiclass classification tasks (Table 1). There are 9 datasets for binary classification and 3 datasets for multi-class classification. Within each of these datasets, the number of features (i.e., independent variables) vary from 6 to 98 and the sample sizes vary from 280 to 13,611. The oxide dataset was provided as a courtesy by Prof. Galen Stucky from the University of California at Santa Barbara. All other datasets are publicly available from Kaggle (www.kaggle.com), University of California Irvine Machine Learning Repository, and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Table 1 Datasets used in the empirical study.Among the 9 datasets with binary outputs, the STNG synthetic data generators outperformed the generic open-source synthetic data generators in 7 of the 9 binary dataset studies (Fig. 2). More specifically, the synthetic datasets generated using the STNG Gaussian copula approach were found to be the top performer for five datasets based on the STNG ML score. For the COVID dataset, STNG TVAE had the highest STNG ML score, and STNG CT-GAN has the highest score for the oxide dataset. For the asthma dataset, the generic Gaussian copula approach had the best performance, and the generic TVAE approach performed best for the breast cancer dataset. However, for three datasets, the generic TVAE approach had no STNG ML scores since the corresponding synthetic datasets failed to produce the minimum 80 observations per class as required by the STNG Auto-ML process. On the contrary, the modified STNG multi-function approach had no such failures. Fig. 2STNG ML Scores of the synthetic datasets for the datasets with binary outputs.Similar findings were observed in the results of the three datasets with multi-class outputs (Supp. Figure 1). These observations demonstrate that STNG’s multi-function approaches generally led to better performance than the generic approaches, though a larger study is needed to further validate these findings. In the following paragraphs, we illustrate the detailed results for the heart disease dataset, the stroke dataset, and the NHANES diabetes dataset, respectively.Heart disease data Figure 3 shows the AUCs by applying the Auto-ML module to the real and eight synthetic heart disease datasets, respectively. The left-most AUC was AUCrr (0.9018, 95% CI=[0.8555, 0.9481]), the AUC calculated by applying the best model derived from the real training set to the real generalization or test set. Each synthetic dataset had two AUCs (AUCsr and AUCss), which were derived by applying the best model from the synthetic training set to the real and synthetic test sets, respectively. AUCrr, AUCsr and AUCss were then used to compute the Auto-ML score (see Methods).The synthetic dataset from STNG Gaussian copula was identified as the best synthetic dataset since it had the highest STNG ML score (see Methods) of 0.9213. It had an AUCss of 0.8761 and an AUCsr of 0.8771, respectively, which led to the highest Auto-ML score of 0.9743. It also had the highest statistical similarity score of 0.8684. The generic Gaussian copula generator had its AUCsr (0.9161) close the real AUC (AUCrr), but its AUCss was lower, leading to a smaller auto-ML score. Its STNG ML score was the second highest. While the STNG copula GAN generator and STNG CT GAN generator had higher AUCss and AUCsr than STNG Gaussian Copula, their Auto-ML scores were lower since there were greater discrepancies between their AUCss and AUCsr. In fact, their AUCss values were both close to 1 but their AUCsr values were 0.9207 and 0.8738, respectively, suggesting potential overfit of their ML models. The two TVAE-based generators had the same issue. Their STNG ML scores were thus around 0.8. The generic copula GAN and CT GAN approaches did not yield satisfactory performance. Fig. 3Areas under the curve (AUCrr, AUCss, and AUCsr) for evaluating synthetic heart disease datasets.Supplementary Table 1 shows the metrics from classic statistical evaluation of the synthetic datasets. The synthetic dataset generated using the STNG Gaussian copula approach generally had the highest pre-AutoML scores.For the optimal synthetic dataset from STNG Gaussian copula, the absolute means and standard deviations of individual variables were calculated and were compared with the corresponding values from the real dataset (Fig. 4A). Furthermore, the cumulative sum plots were also derived for each variable in the real and synthetic dataset (Supp. Figure 2), showing generally consistent agreement, except for a small deviation for the variable of SBP (systolic blood pressure). The pairwise correlations showed the bivariate relationships in the real and synthetic datasets (Fig. 4B). The differences of the pairwise correlations were generally smaller than 0.1, and the correlations between SBP and other variables were slightly higher in the synthetic dataset. Fig. 4Univariate and bivariate comparison of the real and STNG Gaussian copula synthetic datasets: A) comparison of means and standard deviations from the real and synthetic heart disease datasets; (B) pairwise correlations of the real and synthetic data, and their difference.Stroke data For this dataset, the AUCrr was 0.8418 (95% CI=[0.7982, 0.8854], Fig. 5). The STNG Gaussian copula synthetic dataset had an AUCss of 0.8835 and an AUCsr of 0.7917, which led to the highest Auto-ML score of 0.8581. It also had the highest statistical similarity score of 0.7571, and thus its STNG ML score was highest at 0.8076. The generic CT GAN had very similar AUCss and AUCsr, and its STNG ML score was ranked the second at 0.7903. It is worth noting that the two TVAE generators had higher AUCs on the synthetic generalization datasets (AUCss=0.9528 and 0.9971, respectively), but their AUCsr’s are much lower (0.6195 and 0.7538, respectively), leading to STNG ML scores ranked at the bottom.The statistical evaluation metrics of the synthetic stroke datasets were provided in Supp. Table 2. Each variable had general consistency between the real and STNG Gaussian copula synthetic datasets except for the variable of age (supp. Figure 3). Fig. 5Areas under the curve (AUCrr, AUCss, and AUCsr) for evaluating synthetic stroke datasets.NHANES diabetes data. The output variable in this dataset had three classes: normal condition, pre-diabetes and diabetes, whose sizes were 1969, 140 and 328, respectively. The generic TVAE generator had missing AUCsr and AUCss (Fig. 6) since the synthetic dataset it generated had less than 80 observations in the pre-diabetes class. It thus had no STNG ML score and was ranked at the bottom.The STNG TVAE approach had the highest STNG ML score of 0.8002 since its AUCsr and AUCss were very close to each other (0.896 and 0.8746), and both were close to the real AUC (AUCrr=0.8784). The STNG Gaussian copula approach also had similar AUCsr and AUCss, but their values were around 0.55, much smaller than AUCrr. Supp. Table 3 shows the statistical evaluation metrics of each synthetic dataset. Fig. 6Areas under the curve (AUCrr, AUCss, and AUCsr) for evaluating synthetic NHANES diabetes datasets.

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