Learning chemical sensitivity reveals mechanisms of cellular response

Pharmacogenomic datasetDrug sensitivity data was obtained from the Cancer Therapeutic Response Portal v1 and v2 (CTRP v1/2). These datasets comprise 864 cell line responses to 481 individual compounds and 64 compound pairs across a range of concentrations. Response phenotypes were quantified by cellular viability, a normalized measure characterizing complete cell killing to cell stasis (0–1) and cell growth (>1). We utilized predicted cellular viability derived from fitted dose-response curves of each experimental set, in which replicate cell line-compound experiments were fit with a log-logistic function, and predicted cellular viability was derived at the original experimental concentrations27. The compound structure was represented as 512-bit Morgan fingerprints (radius = 2) converted by RDKit from SMILES provided by the CTRP. Experimental micromolar compound concentrations were concatenated with Morgan fingerprints, resulting in 513-length compound feature vectors. We matched CTRP cell lines with the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) molecular characterizations and extracted protein-coding gene expression measurements, resulting in 19,144-length cell line feature vectors. In total, 545 total compounds or compound pairs and 860 cell lines comprised 366,710 unique pairs and 5,849,340 total individual examples of compound response at various concentrations.ChemProbe architecture, training, and evaluationThe study focused on predicting drug sensitivity in the context of pharmacological intervention by integrating cell state features with compound features. To achieve this, we formulated a conditional model where cellular viability is predicted based on a vector of standardized protein-coding RNA abundance values and a vector of chemical features, including structure and concentration. We explored two methods of integrating gene expression and small-molecule feature representations: simple concatenation and hierarchical integration using feature-wise linear modulation (FiLM).ChemProbe includes a conditional encoder that embeds compound features into a vector of length \(c\) and an inputs encoder that embeds gene expression features into a vector of length g. We used a FiLM generator to predict γ and β parameters of length g based on compound embeddings. The FiLM layer then applies an affine transformation of gene expression embeddings by γ and β parameters. This process repeats across \(n\) FiLM layers, and the modulated gene expression embeddings pass through a linear block consisting of a linear layer, ReLU activation, batch normalization, and dropout. The final linear block compresses feature maps to a vector of length 1, and the mean-squared error is calculated between predicted cellular viability and true cellular viability. In our experiments and publicly available trained models, we use a transcriptome embedding block with layers of size [2048, 512, 256] and a compound embedding block with layers of size [256, 128] to project to an embedding of size \(g\) = \(c\) = 128. We used \(n\) = 2 FiLM layers in the final models.To evaluate the performance of our model, we used cross-validation and split cell line-compound pairs into five groups of approximately equal size by cell line to avoid data leakage and performance inflation. We trained five individual models in a leave-one-out cross-validation scenario and applied 20 rounds of hyperparameter optimization to all five individually trained models. We implemented the ChemProbe model in PyTorch and applied hyperparameter optimization with Optuna.Dose-response assay and cell cultureMDA-MB-231-Par and HCC1806-Par cells were seeded at 1,000 cells per well in quadruplicate per condition in a white opaque 96-well plate (catalog no. 3917, Corning). Twenty-four hours later, cells were treated with serial dilutions between 2.05 pM and 100 µM of the following compounds: neratinib (catalog no. 18404, Cayman Chemical), CAY10618, 1S,3R-RSL-3 (catalog no. 19288, Cayman Chemical), AZD7762 (catalog no. 11491, Cayman Chemical), ceranib-2 (catalog no. 11092, Cayman Chemical), and ML162 (catalog no. 20455, Cayman Chemical), and DMSO control. Cells were treated for 72 h with media replaced every 24 hours. Cell viability was measured with the CellTiter-Glo 2.0 Assay (catalog no. G9243, Promega Corporation) with 1000 ms integration time.All cells were cultured at 37 °C in a humidified incubator with 5% CO2. MDA-MB-231-Par (ATCC HTB-26) cells were grown in DMEM supplemented with 10% FCS, penicillin (100 U ml−1), streptomycin (100 μg ml−1) and amphotericin (1 μg ml−1). HCC1806-Par (ATCC CRL-2335) cells were grown in Roswell Park Memorial Institute-1640 medium supplemented with 10% FCS, L-glutamine (2 mM), sodium pyruvate (1 mM), penicillin (100 U ml−1), streptomycin (100 μg ml−1) and amphotericin (1 μg ml−1).Statistics and reproducibilityDetails regarding sample sizes, number of replicates, and statistical methods are provided in the respective section subheadings.Predictive modeling baselinesWe compared different models that modify gene expression features by compound structure and concentration using various transformations. Our baseline model, “concatenation” architecture, simply combined gene expression and compound features into a single vector, which was fed into a multi-layer perceptron. We independently evaluated the isolated effects of learning transformation types using the “scale” and “shift” variants of the ChemProbe model. The “scale” model held shift parameters constant (\({\beta }\)=0) and learned only the scale parameters (\({\gamma }\)), whereas the “shift” model held scale parameters constant (\({\gamma }\)=1) and learned only the shift parameters (\({\beta }\)). We assessed ChemProbe’s dependence on compound concentration by creating a “permuted” model that used random binary fingerprints for each compound, ablating structural information. We trained and evaluated all models using 5-fold cross-validation on the originally defined dataset splits for three rounds of hyperparameter optimization.Dose-response modelingTo generate predicted dose-response curves, log-logistic functions were fit to each set of cell line-compound predictions obtained from the five individually trained ChemProbe models. A sequence of quality control conditions was defined to ensure the reliability of each dose-response relationship. Firstly, cellular viability at any of the four largest compound concentrations was checked for increases of 20% or more from the fifth largest compound concentration. If this condition was met, the viability prediction at the largest concentration was dropped. This process was repeated recursively, and a minimum of 16 data points was required for fitting a dose-response curve. If the minimum predicted cellular viability was greater than 0.4, no dose-response curve was fit. For cell line-compound pairs that passed quality control, a 4-parameter log-logistic function was fit. If the optimization failed, a 3-parameter log-logistic function was fit. If this optimization also failed, a 2-parameter log-logistic function was fit. Additional quality control was performed during the analysis of predicted dose-response curves by filtering out log-logistic functions with undetermined parameters and with predicted EC50 < 1e-3 or EC50 > 300. Scipy was used to fit parameters of log-logistic functions to dose-response relationships.For relative potency comparisons, the drc package in R was employed to fit dose-response models with a four-parameter log-logistic model. We focused on the median effective dose (ED50) as an indicator of relative potency, calculating it with the EDcomp function. Significant differences in compound effects between cell lines were assessed using t-values and p-values obtained from EDcomp.Retrospective I-SPY2 analysisWe obtained I-SPY2 clinical trial metadata and microarray characterizations of 988 patient transcriptomes from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) (GSE194040). We matched 90% of the recorded genes to our training dataset, mean-imputed the remaining 10% of genes, and standardized the data using z-score transformation. We then evaluated the alignment of I-SPY2 patient data with CCLE cell line training data across the first two principal components. Next, we predicted drug sensitivity for each patient across 32 concentrations (1E-3 µM–300 µM) in response to all 545 compounds and compound pairs in the CTRP. We generated patient-drug response predictions using independent models and computed the area under the curve (AUC) of each predicted dose-response assay. We scaled the AUC of each patient-drug prediction between 0-1 based on the drug’s minimum and maximum predicted AUC across all I-SPY2 patients.Participants in the I-SPY2 trial were assigned to treatment arms based on classification into one of eight subtypes, determined by HR, ERBB2-receptor, and MammaPrint status. Adaptive randomization was employed to dynamically adjust treatment assignments based on ongoing analysis of treatment outcomes, optimizing the likelihood of each patient achieving a pathological complete response. The trial assessed the efficacy of various combination therapies relative to paclitaxel treatment, the clinical standard of care. We identified drugs matched between I-SPY2 treatment arms and the CTRP, including paclitaxel, neratinib, MK2206, veliparib, and carboplatin. In the I-SPY2 experimental arms, patients were treated with a combination of paclitaxel and an additional drug(s) to assess response relative to paclitaxel treatment only. As the predictive ability of ChemProbe was only evaluated with respect to the available compounds and compound pairs in the CTRP, the ChemProbe predictions for I-SPY2 patients reflected predicted patient response to a single compound rather than a combination therapy.Prospective differential potency predictionsTo identify differentially potent compounds between HCC1806-Par and MDA-MB-231-Par cell lines, we computed the difference in predicted IC50 values for compounds that passed dose-response modeling. We visually examined dose-response curves of the top 50 differentially sensitive compounds and selected candidates for in vitro testing. We based selection criteria on the completeness of dose-response curves in each cell line, including adequate Emax and Emin boundaries within the predicted concentration range.We conducted a preliminary dose-response experiment to determine appropriate concentration points for the subsequent dose-response experiments across a broader range of concentrations than our predictions (300—1.7e-3 µM, 12 points) (Supplementary Fig. 5b, c). We narrowed the concentration range for the following experiment to capture response granularity (100—2.1e-6 µM, 12 points) (Fig. 4).Integrated gradientsWe employed integrated gradients, a path-based model attribution technique, to determine the extent to which feature gradients changed compared to a baseline feature vector. The method involves linearly interpolating \(n\) feature vectors between a designated baseline and the query feature vector. We used zero-vector baselines for compound and gene expression features and set \(n\) = 50 as the step size. At each interpolated feature vector step, gradients of the inputs are calculated with respect to the corresponding prediction. Finally, the integral of each feature along the path of feature gradients between the baseline vector and the query vector is computed. The Python package captum was used to compute integrated gradients.To account for potential differences in cellular responses, we used the predicted compound IC50 for each cell line-compound pair to calculate integrated gradients and obtain an attribution vector at the predicted IC50. We then extracted the cell line feature attribution vector for each pair to investigate the influence of conditional compound information on gradient changes in the input gene expression features. To address cell line-specific effects, we standardized the attribution features of each cell line separately using a z-score transformation, resulting in adjusted attribution vectors (Supplementary Fig. 6b, c).Attribution method soundness checksTo evaluate the sensitivity of the attribution method to learned parameters and data features, we conducted soundness checks. First, we assessed model-dependent attribution method invariance by comparing the attribution vectors of randomly initialized parameters of architecturally identical models with those of the trained models. We applied integrated gradients to the trained and randomly initialized models and compared the attribution vectors. Second, we evaluated data-dependent attribution method invariance by permuting the data labels, training architecturally identical models, and applying integrated gradients to compare the true-model and permuted-model attribution vectors (Supplementary Fig. 6c). We used the correlation between the attribution vectors of the true and alternative models to assess the attribution method’s sensitivity to learned parameters and dependence between data features and labels.Attribution similarity analysisWe investigated the relationship between compound MOAs and learned gene expression feature dependence by examining attribution vector similarity. First, we filtered attribution vectors by considering compound MOA classes with at least two compounds successfully attributed in all seven cell lines to obtain MOA classes with sufficient samples for analysis (control compound set). This resulted in 28 MOA classes, which served as a true label baseline. We then compared these true labels to unsupervised labels generated by K-means clustering of attribution vectors from a trained model, a randomly initialized model, compound fingerprints, and a label-permutation baseline (Fig. 5b). We applied K-means clustering on five independent trials.We analyzed gene target attributions to further investigate the model dependence on individual nominal targets within each MOA class. Specifically, we applied a two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test to group attributions for each nominal target in the MOA class of interest and adjusted for false discovery rate (FDR) using the Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) procedure. We visualized the nominal target with the largest average attribution difference between groups for each MOA class (Fig. 5c).Attribution network analysisWe extended our analysis to include all attribution vectors generated from the 7-cell line test set. We randomly selected a single nominal target from each compound MOA class to avoid bias towards closely associated targets. This is because the nominal targets of a single compound likely fall in close network proximity, and downstream network analysis of target sets would reflect artificial over-connectivity. For example, the MOA class of neratinib includes nominal targets EGFR and HER2, which are involved in the same pathway. Therefore, we randomly chose one target from this set.We applied Leiden clustering unsupervised discovery of attribution clusters. As described above, we defined attribution cluster MOA classes by random target selection from each compound MOA class. We filtered the STRING database to consider only high-confidence protein–protein associations (combined score > 0.7). We queried STRING for attribution cluster nominal targets and computed the connectivity of the resulting subgraph. To account for random subgraph connectivity due to target biases in STRING, we randomly sampled from available targets, queried the filtered STRING database, and computed connectivity. We repeated this procedure with randomly sampled protein-coding genes to account for random protein associations (Fig. 5f). We used the Networkx library for analysis.To test for protein interaction enrichment, we defined attribution cluster nominal targets by random target selection from each compound MOA class, as described above (number of targets > 3). Next, we queried the STRING API for protein–protein interaction enrichment in the network of high-confidence protein–protein associations (combined score > 0.7). We computed statistical enrichment using the hypergeometric test, which tests if a query set of proteins has more interactions than expected relative to the background proteome-wide interaction distribution. We also applied the hypergeometric test for functional enrichment of GO terms, KEGG pathways, and Reactome pathways. We used the stringdb python package to access the STRING API. To infer potential modules of action for compounds, we selected the unique set of all nominal targets associated with an attribution cluster.Cell line characterization and differential expression analysisRNA sequencing was conducted on seven test cell lines in triplicate, namely HCC1806-Par, HCC1806-LMb/c, MDA-MB-231-Par, MDA-MB-231-LM2, SW480, and SW480-LvM256. Using RNA that was rRNA-depleted with Ribo-Zero Gold (Illumina), libraries were prepared with SciptSeq-v2 (Illumina) and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq4000 at UCSF Center for Advanced Technologies. Transcript abundances were quantified using Salmon, and tximport was utilized to summarize transcript-level measurements. We employed DESeq2 to identify differentially expressed genes (n = 3 per condition).Differential attribution analysisTo assess model dependence on individual genes within attribution clusters, we conducted an unbiased analysis. We applied a two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test to each gene to analyze gene attributions within a cluster relative to all remaining samples. We adjusted for FDR using BH to account for multiple testing. We utilized Scanpy to apply tests across genes in each cluster relative to all other samples. Attributions were standard scaled and each cluster’s top-10 most significant genes were plotted. Leiden groups were hierarchically clustered (complete linkage) by Pearson correlation. Scanpy was used for computation and visualization. We obtained gene expression—sensitivity Pearson correlation z-scores and corresponding visualizations from the Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal v2 feature correlation analysis (Supplementary Fig. 8b, c).Software and code reportingData collection tools: Python (3.10.6) was used to collect data, along with the following packages: stringdb (0.1.5), scanpy (1.9.3). Data analysis tools: Python (3.10.6) was used along with the following packages: numpy (1.23.4), pandas (1.5.1), matplotlib (3.6.2), seaborn (0.11.2), scanpy (1.9.3), scipy (1.9.3), scikit-learn (1.1.3), statsmodels (0.13.5), rdkit (2022.9.4), pytorch (1.13.0), pytorch-lightning (1.8.4). R (4.0.2) was used along with the following packages: tidyverse (1.13.0), tximport (1.18.0), genomicfeatures (1.42.2), deseq2 (1.30.1), enhancedvolcano (1.8.0), drc (3.0_1).Life science study designSamples for prospective in vitro testing of model predictions were selected based on the presence of complete dose-response curves among the top 50 differential predictions for the cell line pair. The chosen predicted dose-response curves exhibited adequate Emax and Emin boundaries, appropriately covering the predicted concentration range. Given resource constraints, we reasoned that six out of 50 compounds (12%) provided adequate representativeness of model predictions.In the prospective drug screening experiment (Fig. 4a–f; Supplementary Fig. 4 and Supplementary Data 7), one plate showed significant cell death in four wells within column 6. To maintain the integrity of the analysis and avoid distorting the representation of the data, the values from these four wells were excluded from the analysis. Specifically, two wells were used for testing the drug CAY10618 against the cell lines HCC1806-Par and MDA-MB-231-Par. Similarly, two wells were dedicated to testing the drug neratinib against the same cell lines, HCC1806-Par and MDA-MB-231-Par.As outlined in the methods, we initially conducted a preliminary screen to calibrate the dose-response concentration ranges of the tested compounds (300—1.7e-3 µM, 12 points) (Supplementary Fig. 4b, c and Supplementary Data 7). Based on the insights gained from the preliminary screen, we refined the concentration range for the subsequent experiment to enhance the capture of response granularity (100—2.1e-6 µM, 12 points) (Fig. 4 and Supplementary Data 7). Both experiments consistently demonstrated a significant relationship between the responses of the differential compounds (Fig. 4g; Supplementary Fig. 4c and Supplementary Data 7).In the context of our prospective experiments, biological sample randomization was not applicable. However, for model training and evaluation, we employed a numerical random split of samples by cell line into groups for five-fold cross-validation.Blinding was deemed unnecessary for our study, as the prospective experiments were solely determined by the objective predictions of an algorithm.Cell line sources: MDA-MB-231-Par (ATCC HTB-26); HCC1806-Par (ATCC CRL-2335).Use of large language models (LLMs)We used OpenAI ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo and ChatGPT 4 as scientific editing tools when writing the manuscript. We prompted the LLMs to suggest revisions to our manually drafted text for improved clarity and conciseness, predominantly at the paragraph level. We did not ask the LLMs to generate content de novo. An example of a prompt we used was, “You are helping edit papers for a broad scientific audience, emphasizing clarity and conciseness. Revise the following paragraph: <draft text here > .” We manually reviewed the LLMs’ suggested revised text and decided whether to include part, all, or none of it on a word-by-word basis.Reporting summaryFurther information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.

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