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Comprehensive evaluation and prediction of editing outcomes for near-PAMless adenine and cytosine base editors

Generation of near-PAMless base editorsTo leverage the expanded PAM compatibility offered by SpRY, our study utilized the BE4max-SpRY and ABEmax-SpRY, which incorporate SpRY in place of SpCas9,...

The landscape of RNA binding proteins in mammalian spermatogenesis | Science

Despite continuous expansion of the RNA binding protein (RBP) world, there is a lack of systematic understanding of RBPs in the mammalian testis, which harbors one of...

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Scientists Say: Fractal

Fractal (noun, “FRAK-tal”) A fractal is a geometric shape made from parts that repeat at smaller and smaller scales. Consider the leafy fronds of a fern....

Sci-fi inspired spacesuit recycles pee into drinking water

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