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Comprehensive evaluation and prediction of editing outcomes for near-PAMless adenine and cytosine base editors

Generation of near-PAMless base editorsTo leverage the expanded PAM compatibility offered by SpRY, our study utilized the BE4max-SpRY and ABEmax-SpRY, which incorporate SpRY in place of SpCas9,...

Self-supervised learning for accurately modelling hierarchical evolutionary patterns of cerebrovasculature

FrameworkThe proposed pipeline for hierarchical quantitative analysis of cerebrovasculature is illustrated in Fig. 1. Paired T1 and TOF-MRA images were acquired from each subject. TOF-MRA volumes were utilized...

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Ask us anything: what breakthrough in ecological theory could have the biggest impact for applied conservation?

Recently we invited you to ask us anything. Today’s question comes from Falko Buschke, who asks (paraphrasing) “What breakthrough in ecological theory could have...

Enhanced circularly polarized luminescence attained via self-assembly of heterochiral as opposed to homochiral dipeptides in water

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Dying to organise | Research Communities by Springer Nature

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