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General-purpose foundation models for increased autonomy in robot-assisted surgery

Blakeslee, S. Robot arm assists in three brain operations. The New York Times (25 June 1985).Seo, H.-J. et al. Comparison of robot-assisted radical prostatectomy and open radical...

Cooperative adsorbate binding catalyzes high-temperature hydrogen oxidation on palladium | Science

Atomic-scale structures that account for the acceleration of reactivity by heterogeneous catalysts often form only under reaction conditions of high temperatures and pressures, making them impossible to...

Chemistry wordoku #067 | Puzzle

Solve this ‘wordoku’ in the same way as a sudoku with letters instead of numbers (each of the nine letters in each row, column and nine-square cell)....

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Chemistry wordoku #051 | Puzzle

Solve this ‘wordoku’ in the same way as sudoku with letters instead of numbers (the nine letters once in each row, column and nine-square...

FDA bans use of brominated vegetable oil in food and drink | News

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned the use of brominated vegetable oil (BVO) in food and drink products due to safety...

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