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Arkitekt: streaming analysis and real-time workflows for microscopy

Mahecic, D. et al. Event-driven acquisition for content-enriched microscopy. Nat. Methods 19, 1262–1267 (2022).Article  CAS  PubMed  ...

Transcriptional profiling in microglia across physiological and pathological states identifies a transcriptional module associated with neurodegeneration

Human microglia transcriptome profiles (bulk RNA-seq datasets)We identified 21 published transcriptome studies focusing on human microglia (MGL, Fig. 1a and Supplementary Data 1) and selected the 12 containing purified...

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Did West Africa’s Ebola Outbreak of 2014 Have a Lab Origin? – Independent Science News

by Sam Husseini and Jonathan Latham, PhD Between 2014 and 2016, West Africa endured an Ebola epidemic that was easily the largest and deadliest in history....

ACC Launches Ads Highlighting Rep. John Curtis

The ad for Rep. Curtis will run for 2 weeks throughout Utah and will encourage constituents to contact the Congressman’s office to tell him...

Unlocking the Secrets of Ice With Antifreeze and Advanced Microscopy

Researchers have made a breakthrough in observing the ice-liquid interface by using antifreeze and a refrigerated microscope. They discovered that ice in antifreeze remains...

Understanding how thermoregulation affects insect survival and reproduction in the face of climate change  – Functional Ecologists

In this ‘Behind the Paper’ blog post, Noah Leith – a PhD candidate in the Fowler-Finn Lab at Saint Louis University – discusses his...

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