Farewell to the Stats Corner

Farewell to the Stats Corner

Image Credit: angela n., CC BY 2.0, Image Cropped

The time has come for the Stats Corner to wrap up as Ecology for the Masses closes. I want to thank Sam Perrin for bringing me on board, carving out a place for statistics on the site, and supporting my writing for the past two years. He was always generous with his time helping me brainstorm topics when I was out of ideas and providing helpful feedback to make the posts more engaging and accessible. We all have Sam to thank for the fun pictures that kick off each post as well. 🙂 

This part of the blog has covered many topics:

I have learned a lot in the process of writing these posts, and it has been great to connect with the broader ecology community to hear about what statistical concepts are the most mystifying. Coming up with concrete examples and thinking about accessible yet precise explanations has strengthened both my communication and teaching skills. I have even gotten to do a little doodling to illustrate concepts. I have even used these articles as supplementary reading for my own Statistical Inference Theory and Stat 2 classes. 

If you have used any of the Stats Corner posts in the classroom or found any particularly helpful for the work you are doing, I would love to hear from you. And if you ever have a gnarly statistics question, feel free to reach out as well. → @sastoudt

Let’s give a final thank you to Sam for creating and supporting this great resource!

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