Intro to Single-Cell Analysis Workshop

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

Describe (at a high level) how single-cell samples are sequenced along with strengths of a few popular library preps.
Create and interpret preliminary QC visualizations from a single-cell experiment.
Use PCA and UMAP to create cell-type clusters.
Execute and visualize differential expression across clusters.
Identify marker genes and annotate clusters based on gene expression.

More details:

The cost is $390/seat.
The workshop is entirely online and will be conducted over Zoom and Slack.
Basic understanding of NGS sequencing protocols and/or familiarity with bulk RNA-Seq analysis is desirable. This workshop assumes some experience working with R/R-Studio. (Previous attendance in a Computational Foundations workshop or Software Carpentry workshop is sufficient.)
The workshop experience is designed to be interactive and includes a combination of lecture, live-coding, and opportunities for questions throughout.

We are able to refund workshop fees for cancellations prior to 10/16/2024 (when registration closes).
For more questions, please email at or see the Bioinformatics Core website.

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