Applying information mining technology in online entrepreneurship training course

Random sample surveyIn this study, a random sampling survey is conducted on a college, and 1080 questionnaires on curriculum design of entrepreneurship education for application-oriented undergraduate students are distributed. Among them, 990 valid questionnaires (including 774 male students, accounting for 78.18% of the total number of questionnaires; 216 female students, accounting for 21.82% of the total number of questionnaires) are recovered, and the effective recovery rate is 91.67%, which meet the basic requirements of the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire mainly investigates the current situation of entrepreneurship education from four aspects, including course objectives, course contents, course implementation and course evaluation of entrepreneurship education. This paper collects data through a random sample survey of universities. A stratified random sampling method is used to randomly select samples from students of different grades and majors to ensure the diversity and representativeness of the sample, thereby improving the extrapolation and reliability of the results to a wider population.The data collection of this paper is conducted through a questionnaire survey, aiming to understand students’ experience and feedback on the online entrepreneurship training course based on the Blackboard platform. The questionnaire design includes multiple dimensions, such as course content, interface design, interactivity, and overall satisfaction. We used an online questionnaire tool to send the questionnaire link to students participating in the course through email and the course platform. In order to ensure the representativeness of the sample, the questionnaire covers students of different grades, majors, and backgrounds, and guarantees anonymity to obtain real and objective feedback.The collected questionnaire data are analyzed by statistical software. First, the validity of the questionnaire is screened to exclude invalid and incomplete questionnaires. Next, descriptive statistical methods are used to summarize the data of each dimension, including mean, standard deviation, and frequency distribution. Then, correlation analysis and regression analysis are used to explore the relationship between the factors, with special attention to the correlation between interface design and student satisfaction. In addition, factor analysis is used to identify the main factors affecting student experience and provide a basis for interface optimization.In order to verify the reliability and validity of the research results, multiple methods were used for verification. First, the sample data was divided into training set and test set by cross-validation method to verify the stability of the model. Secondly, reliability and validity tests were conducted to ensure the internal consistency of the questionnaire scale and the accuracy of measurement. In addition, small-scale in-depth interviews were conducted to supplement and verify the questionnaire results. By combining quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, the research results are ensured to have high credibility and explanatory power, providing a scientific basis for the improvement of course interface design.The hypothesis testing method was used to verify the research results to ensure that the conclusions are statistically significant and reliable. The research hypothesis is “the interface design of online entrepreneurship training courses based on the Blackboard platform significantly improves students’ satisfaction and learning effects”, while the original hypothesis is “the course interface design has no significant effect on students’ satisfaction and learning effects”. Based on data analysis and hypothesis testing, the test results are interpreted. If the research hypothesis is supported, it means that the interface design of online entrepreneurship training courses based on the Blackboard platform does significantly improve students’ satisfaction and learning effects. If it is not supported, the research design and hypothesis need to be re-examined. There may be problems with the research hypothesis itself, or there may be deviations in the data collection and analysis process.To better carry out the research on the curriculum design of entrepreneurship education, the questionnaire first surveys the students’ views on entrepreneurship, that is, the students answer the question “what is entrepreneurship”. The specific results are shown in Table 1:Table 1 What is entrepreneurship?It can be concluded from Table 1 that more than 66% of students choose “as long as the start of a business, it can be called entrepreneurship”, that is, most of them tend to agree with the concept of “entrepreneurship” in a broader context. Very few students limit “start a business” to “open a small shop”.Questions 2, 3 and 4 of the second part of the questionnaire investigate students’ attitude, interest and willingness towards entrepreneurship, that is, asking students about their “attitude towards entrepreneurship and whether they are interested in entrepreneurship”. The specific research results are shown in Fig. 1:Fig. 1Statistical chart of the survey result of “attitudes towards entrepreneurship”. Source processed from research data.Figure 1 shows that among the respondents of the survey, 44.82% students hold a “very supportive” attitude towards entrepreneurship, and 44.55% students hold a “supportive” attitude. In other words, among the students who participated in the survey, more than 85% of them express support for college students to start their own business, while about 5% of them are neutral and no one is opposed to start a business. Among the various courses of entrepreneurship education, students are most interested in “incorporating entrepreneurship practice and entrepreneurship simulation into the content of entrepreneurship guidance courses”, followed by “compulsory courses or optional courses taught by entrepreneurs”. Students also gave different answers to the question “what aspects of entrepreneurship guidance courses do you want to focus on?“, as shown in Table 2:According to the data in the analysis table, students are more willing to engage in entrepreneurship education courses involving “marketing, interpersonal communication skills, entrepreneurship opportunities and environmental analysis, entrepreneurship psychological quality training” and other contents.Table 2 Statistical table of Survey result of “Choice of Course Content of Entrepreneurship Education”. Table 2 shows the preferences of college students when choosing the content of entrepreneurship education courses. The survey results show that the course that students are most interested in is “Entrepreneurship Opportunities and Environmental Analysis”, which was chosen by 780 people, accounting for 70.91%, indicating that students have a strong demand for the macro environment and market opportunities of entrepreneurship. The second is “Interpersonal Communication and Communication Skills”, which was chosen by 670 people, accounting for 60.91%, indicating that students believe that good interpersonal relationships and communication skills are the key to success in the process of entrepreneurship. Sales management and cultivating entrepreneurial psychology were chosen by 600 people, accounting for 60 and 54.55% respectively, indicating that students have a high awareness of the importance of sales skills and psychological preparation. “Entrepreneurship Case Analysis” was chosen by 450 people, accounting for 40.91%, indicating that students hope to gain experience through learning from actual cases. Finance and taxation and personalized consulting were chosen by 300 people each, accounting for 27.27%, which may reflect the importance of course content in these areas to some students. Only 60 people chose the “other” option, accounting for 5.45%, indicating that most students’ needs are concentrated in the above-mentioned course content. Overall, the effective number of answers to this question is 1,100, which means that the survey sample is relatively sufficient and can reflect the actual needs of college students for entrepreneurship education course content. These data provide an important reference for colleges and universities to design and optimize entrepreneurship education courses, ensuring that the course settings can better meet the needs of students and improve the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education.Course design of online entrepreneurship education based on blackboard online teaching platformOverall content designThe overall content of the module includes: course introduction, teacher introduction, syllabus, teaching content, teaching plan, assigned textbook, learning video, teaching resources, assignments, reference resources, notices, discussions, groups, tools, grades, etc. The above modules basically cover the elements to achieve the course teaching objectives and constitute a complete entrepreneurship education network course. The specific content can be divided into the following parts:First, the teaching content area: It is the core of the entire network curriculum, including curriculum introduction, teacher introduction, syllabus, teaching content, teaching plan, teaching materials, etc. In addition to the text resources about the course, there should also be rich and practical multimedia resources, such as PPT teaching courseware, pictures, teaching video, etc. Some extracurricular resources can also be appropriately added for interested students to learn independently after entering the platform.Second, the management area: The content includes managing account, password and other basic information, setting user permissions, issuing course notices, logging in statistics, learning and checking, etc.Third, the testing area: The content includes in-class test, homework, formative assessment, final assessment, etc., and the evaluation of the teaching process and learning effect of teachers and students.Fourth, the interactive area: It is mainly based on discussion boards, and the design of each online course is inseparable from the interactive section. The establishment of interaction can not only attract students to take the initiative in learning, improve the enthusiasm of students and enhance the fun of the learning process, but also facilitate the mutual communication between teachers and students. In the communication, key knowledge links should be grasped and discussions should be carried out in a timely manner, which is conducive to the common progress and improvement of teachers and students.When designing an online entrepreneurship training course based on the Blackboard platform, we first need to clarify the course objectives and teaching content. The course objectives mainly include improving students’ entrepreneurial awareness and ability, cultivating students’ innovative thinking, and helping students master the basic knowledge and skills required for entrepreneurship. The teaching content should cover many aspects such as basic entrepreneurship theory, market analysis, business plan writing, financial management, risk control, etc. Each module should be designed into several specific learning units, with content from shallow to deep, step by step, to ensure that students can systematically learn and master all aspects of entrepreneurship. The course should also combine a variety of teaching methods such as case analysis and project practice to enhance the practicality and interactivity of teaching.The design of the teaching model is the key to the success of the course. The teaching model based on the Blackboard platform should make full use of its rich online resources and strong interactivity. The course can adopt a hybrid teaching model, combining online teaching with offline guidance. The online part includes courseware learning, video explanations, online discussions, homework submission, etc., while the offline part includes practical activities, entrepreneurial project guidance, expert lectures, etc. Through the combination of online and offline methods, it can not only improve students’ independent learning ability, but also enhance their practical operation ability. The discussion area and instant messaging tools of the Blackboard platform can provide a good interactive communication environment for teachers and students. Teachers can understand students’ learning situation in a timely manner, answer students’ questions, and guide students to complete entrepreneurial projects.The design of the evaluation mechanism is an important part of course quality assurance. The evaluation should include two parts: process evaluation and final evaluation. Process evaluation mainly evaluates students’ performance in the learning process, such as participation in online discussions, completion of homework, participation in practical activities, etc. Final evaluation mainly evaluates students’ final learning outcomes, such as the writing of business plans and the implementation of entrepreneurial projects. The evaluation methods should be diversified, including teacher evaluation, student self-evaluation and mutual evaluation. Through multi-angle and multi-dimensional evaluation, we can fully understand the students’ learning effects, help students find problems, summarize experiences, and continuously improve. In addition, the evaluation results should be combined with the improvement of the course, and the course design should be continuously optimized according to the evaluation feedback to improve the quality and effect of the course.Overall interface designThe first entry to the Blackboard platform has very few default content, and its style is simple and requires users to add.First, platform theme design: The newly built Blackboard network platform has ordinary theme and monotonous style, which is not easy to attract students’ attention. Therefore, it is necessary to set the brand theme according to the course category and content.Second, navigation bar design: The navigation bar is the most core part of Blackboard and it is the only way for the course teaching. The design of navigation bar is divided into style design and structure design.Style design: The navigation bar can be selected with a “button” style. Each button is a small project, which makes the interface of the platform beautiful and eye-catching. And teachers and students can switch views to browse at any time according to the teaching needs of the course.In addition, structure design is described in the following section.Third, daily affairs column design: It includes “my notice”, “my task”, “my schedule” and other columns. Teachers can not only manage daily affairs, but also add and modify the contents of daily affairs column at any time according to actual needs, so as to improve timeliness.When designing the interface of an online entrepreneurship training course based on the Blackboard platform, the first thing to do is to ensure the simplicity and ease of use of the interface. The interface design should focus on user experience and adopt a clear and intuitive layout so that students can easily find the required learning resources and functional modules. The homepage should contain basic information such as course introduction, learning objectives, and course schedule, so that students can quickly understand the course content. The navigation bar should set clear categories, such as “course materials”, “online discussion”, “homework submission”, “grade inquiry”, etc., so that students can quickly access different modules. At the same time, the interface should minimize unnecessary visual interference, use a unified color tone and simple icons, and enhance the neatness and professionalism of the interface.The design of the course content display interface is crucial. The course material interface should include a variety of learning resources such as courseware, video explanations, and reading materials. Each resource should be presented in a modular way, and students can flexibly choose learning content according to their own learning progress. The video explanation interface should support multiple playback modes, such as full screen, double speed playback, etc., and provide subtitles to facilitate students’ understanding and memory. Courseware and reading materials should support downloading and printing to facilitate students’ offline learning. In order to enhance interactivity, the interface should have a comment area or note function, where students can record questions and thoughts during the learning process and communicate and discuss with classmates and teachers. In addition, the interface should also provide a visual display of learning progress to help students understand their learning situation at any time and arrange their learning time reasonably.The design of the interactive and evaluation interface is also an important part of the overall interface design. The online discussion area should adopt a forum-style design, where students can post discussions based on different topics, and teachers can participate in replies in a timely manner to promote interactive communication between teachers and students. The discussion area should have clear categories, such as “entrepreneurship theory discussion”, “market analysis”, “business plan”, etc., to facilitate students to find relevant discussion content. The homework submission interface should be concise and clear, so that students can easily upload homework and view homework requirements and grading standards. The score query interface should provide detailed evaluation results and feedback to help students understand their learning outcomes and areas that need improvement. In order to motivate students to learn, the interface can also design some incentive mechanisms, such as learning points, achievement badges, etc., so that students can gain a sense of accomplishment and motivation in the learning process. In addition, the interface should support multi-device access, and students can learn through computers, tablets, mobile phones and other devices to improve the convenience and flexibility of learning.Structural designThe structure design of navigation bar can be divided into three parts: teaching introduction column design, teaching content column design, teaching communication column design.Teaching introduction column design: including course introduction, teacher introduction, syllabus, designated teaching materials, etc. Among them, course introduction includes course name, nature, background, meaning and so on. The syllabus includes the basic information of teaching contents, credit hours and course assessment methods. Teacher introduction includes the introduction of the basic information of the teacher, such as name, research direction, contact information, etc. The teaching plan mainly introduces the teaching hour allocation of each chapter and the teaching progress plan. And the designated textbook is the textbook and reference book used in this course.Teaching content column design includes teaching content, learning video, teaching resources, exercises, reference resources, etc.The teaching content is the most core part of the online course design, which is generally designed in the form of hierarchical “folders”. Firstly, the content of entrepreneurship education courses should be built into Blackboard online teaching platform. Then, relevant digital resources should be added, such as PPT courseware, Flash, teaching video, pictures, and other references and links to online teaching resources, so as to increase the depth and breadth of students’ learning and improve the level and effect of learning. This course has eight chapters in total, so there are eight “folders” on the Blackboard platform. Each chapter is divided into several sub-columns and built into a second “folder”, including knowledge points, assessment requirements, PPT courseware, homework and other contents.The design of teaching exchange column includes course notice, discussion and group, etc. Among them, the course notice is issued before each class to inform students of the preparatory work to be done before the class. Discussions include discussions between teachers and students, students and students. As for groups, students work together in groups to develop team spirit.Overall layout developmentCurriculum development mainly includes the development of the overall layout and the development of the specific structure. The specific flow chart of entrepreneurship education online course development is shown in Fig. 2:Fig. 2Development flow chart. Source processed based on research analysis.Figure 2 shows the main process of developing online courses for entrepreneurship education, including two main parts: overall layout development and specific module development. In the overall layout development, the first is the formulation of the theme style to ensure the overall visual and content consistency of the course. The development of the navigation bar is to facilitate students’ operation and access in the course, which is divided into the design of the navigation style and the construction of the navigation bar structure content. The structural content of the navigation bar includes course introduction, syllabus, teacher introduction, teaching plan, designated teaching materials, courseware, teaching videos, teaching resources, exercises and reference resources.In the development of specific modules, it is mainly divided into teaching part and interactive part. The teaching content includes the introduction of teaching units and the development of specific teaching resources, such as courseware, teaching videos, and exercises. The development of these modules is to ensure that students can systematically learn and master the course content. The interactive part includes notifications, discussions, grouping and the use of tools, aiming to enhance students’ sense of participation and the effect of collaborative learning through interaction. The entire development process focuses on comprehensive design from layout to content to improve learning effects and user experience.

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