An adaptive weight ensemble approach to forecast influenza activity in an irregular seasonality context

Influenza epidemics in Hong KongIn Hong Kong, an indicator combining influenza-like-illness intensity (ILI+) and the proportion of respiratory specimens positive for influenza each week...

Investigation of the risk factors associated with prediabetes in normal-weight Qatari adults: a cross-sectional study

Study PopulationWe obtained cross-sectional clinical, anthropometric, and demographic data of 5996 Qatari individuals aged between 18 and 86 years (3,229 Females and 2,771 Males)...

Exploring the prognostic and diagnostic value of lactylation-related genes in sepsis

Due to progress in medical care and scientific studies, the treatment and results of sepsis have become more consistent globally. The rates of sepsis...

Exploring the ability of the MD+FoldX method to predict SARS-CoV-2 antibody escape mutations using large-scale data

In this study, we evaluated the ability of the MD+FoldX method to predict SARS-CoV-2 RBD escape mutations using a comprehensive deep mutational scanning dataset....

Profiling muscle transcriptome in mice exposed to microgravity using gene set enrichment analysis

Witze, A. The $93-billion plan to put astronauts back on the Moon. Nature 605, 212–216 (2022).Article  CAS  PubMed  ...

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