Performance of convolutional neural network (CNN) and performance influencing factors for wood species classification of Lepidobalanus growing in Korea

Comparison of classification performance by the applied conditionClassification performance of oak species using CNNFigure 1 shows the results of comparing the classification accuracy and loss...

Meta graphical lasso: uncovering hidden interactions among latent mechanisms

Synthesized datasetHere, we utilize synthetic data generated based on latent factors with sparse dependencies to validate whether these sparse dependencies can be accurately estimated.Data...

Rational selection of morphological phenotypic traits to extract essential similarities in chemical perturbation in the ergosterol pathway

Strains and mediasSaccharomyces cerevisiae Y8835 (MATα ura3∆0:: natMX4 can 1∆:: STE2pr-Sp_his5 lyp1∆ his3∆1 leu2∆0 met15∆0 LYS2), which is derived from S288C, was used as...

A label-free quantification method for assessing sex from modern and ancient bovine tooth enamel

Horwitz, L., Cope, C. & Tchernov, E. Sexing the bones of mountain-gazelle (Gazella gazella) from prehistoric sites in the Southern Levant. Paléorient 1–12 (1990).Barden,...

A python library for the fast and scalable computation of biologically meaningful individual specific networks

The perturbation-based computation of ISNsA network (G:=(V,E)) consists of a set V of nodes v, and a set of edges (E subseteq Vtimes...

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