Computationally guided design of a diazotransfer reagent with high reactivity

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Post-functionalization of alternating π-conjugated copolymers containing fluorene moieties via anodic chlorination using AlCl3

Preparation of P(Fl-Ar) derivatives and their electrochemical propertiesIn accordance with the reported literature, P(Fl-Ar) derivatives were prepared via direct C–H arylation polycondensation between 2,7-dibromo-9,9-dioctylfluorene...

Dialkylation of CF2 unit enabled by cobalt electron-shuttle catalysis

Gribble, G. W. A recent survey of naturally occurring organohalogen compounds. Environ. Chem. 12, 396–405 (2015).Article  CAS  ...

Fully recyclable and tough thermoplastic elastomers from simple bio-sourced δ-valerolactones

ROP of αRVL: thermodynamics, characteristics, and polymer propertiesMonomers αRVL can be readily produced in a one-pot procedure from commercially accessible δVL, according to the...

Electrochemical and computational evaluation of hydrazide derivative for mild steel corrosion inhibition and anticancer study

Shukla, S. K., Singh, A. K. & Quraishi, M. Triazines: Efficient corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci....

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