The SpeakFaster UIWord completion and next-word prediction based on n-gram LMs24,32 exploit the statistical dependence of a word on a small number of (typically up to four)...
Tokyo, the most populous city in the world and known for its mild northern climate, reached a record-high temperature of over 35°C in September 2024. Earlier this...
Demonstrates capabilities with 10 million cells and 1,000+ samples in a single run
Parse Biosciences, a leading provider of accessible and scalable single cell sequencing solutions, today announced...
Synthesis and characterization of HE-DRXsOur study employed the UHS method to achieve a rapid synthesis of HE-DRXs with six cations, specifically Li1.3Mn2+0.1Co2+0.1Mn3+0.1Cr3+0.1Ti0.1Nb0.2O1.7F0.3 (TM6). A...