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Nanopore sequencing set to transform our understanding of proteins | News

A new protein sequencing method, which uses a biological motor to pull a protein through a tiny nanopore, could revolutionise protein analysis. The researchers at the University...

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is shrinking

Centuries ago, astronomers observed a dark oval — nicknamed the Permanent Spot — on Jupiter. It was located at the same latitude, or distance from Jupiter’s equator,...

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PopMLvis: a tool for analysis and visualization of population structure using genotype data from genome-wide association studies | BMC Bioinformatics

Population structure can be inferred from Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) data and focuses on the genetic variation within and between populations by investigating the...

As Yellowstone’s supervolcano slumbers, another big danger lurks

Yellowstone National Park is known for its bubbling hot springs and steaming geysers. These hydrothermal wonders are powered by a massive cauldron of partly...

Hydrogen dimers finally detected at room temperature | Research

A team in France has detected hydrogen dimers – one of the simplest molecular complexes – at room temperature for the first time.1 Researchers first...

Peptide bond interactions explain collagen’s ‘impossible’ longevity in dinosaur bones | Research

Interactions between neighbouring peptide bonds could explain how the collagen in dinosaur bones remains intact for hundreds of millions of years. Bone collagen is commonly...

The simplicity of protein sequence-function relationships

We have several goals in dissecting a protein’s genetic architecture. First, we would like to know how sequence determines function across the space of...

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