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Text classification models for assessing the completeness of randomized controlled trial publications based on CONSORT reporting guidelines

Landis, S. C. et al. A call for transparent reporting to optimize the predictive value of preclinical research. Nature. 490(7419), 187–191 (2012).Article  ...

Quantifiable blood TCR repertoire components associate with immune aging

Ventura, M. T., Casciaro, M., Gangemi, S. & Buquicchio, R. Immunosenescence in aging: between immune cells depletion and cytokines up-regulation. Clin. Mol. Allergy 15,...

Lessons from a data scientist during COVID-19

Lessons from a data scientist during COVID-19

Perfusion-weighted imaging with dynamic contrast enhancement (PWI/DCE) morphologic, qualitative, semiquantitative, and radiomics features predicting undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS) treatment response

The study included the analysis of 5,135 MRI scans performed for extremity STS in our institutional 29-magnet fleet (consisting of 1.5T and 3.0T scanners...

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