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Identifying genetic variants associated with chromatin looping and genome function

Interaction QTLs (iQTLs): a class of QTLs associated with 3D chromatin interactionsAs previous works showed the existence and importance of genetic variants that have...

Integrative residue-intuitive machine learning and MD Approach to Unveil Allosteric Site and Mechanism for β2AR

The proposed identification pipeline is illustrated by Fig. 1. Here, extensive gaussian accelerated molecular dynamics (GaMD) simulations are first performed to enhance sampling in...

Identification and validation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-related genes in patients with steroid-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head

Our findings provide insight into the molecular framework of SONFH by identifying and characterising DE-ERGs. Analysis of the GSE123568 dataset revealed a large number...

CellChat for systematic analysis of cell–cell communication from single-cell transcriptomics

Shao, X., Lu, X., Liao, J., Chen, H. & Fan, X. New avenues for systematically inferring cell-cell communication: through single-cell transcriptomics data. Protein Cell...

Leveraging immuno-fluorescence data to reduce pathologist annotation requirements in lung tumor segmentation using deep learning

The image analysis approach depends on the objectives of the clinical study. If the goal is to identify whether tumor is present in a...

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