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meK-means – biophysically interpretable inference of cell types from multimodal sequencing data

When scientists study cells, they often focus on how genes are turned on and off, and how the instructions in our DNA are turned into proteins through...

RSC calls on government to address lab space shortage | Business

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is calling on government to engage with the deep tech chemistry sector to help drive investment and address the ongoing lack...

Scientists Say: THC

THC (noun, “T-H-C”) THC is a chemical found in the plant cannabis, or marijuana. THC is short for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. It is the compound mainly responsible for cannabis’s psychoactive...

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Sparking industry’s interest in electrosynthesis | Feature

Industry’s reliance on petrochemicals is one of the main reasons why electrochemical synthesis was never fully explored says Tobias Gärtner, chief executive at ESy-Labs,...

Scientists Say: Astronomical interferometry

array: A broad and organized group of objects. Sometimes they are instruments placed in a systematic fashion to collect information in a coordinated way....

Patrick Vallance joins UK science department as Keir Starmer appoints first cabinet | News

Former UK chief scientific adviser Patrick Vallance will serve as a minister under new science secretary Peter Kyle. The appointments were made by the...

Introducing #RealTimeChem Ambassador (N. America) – Gabriele Laudadio

Hi everybody, Back in February we opened up applications to become a #RealTimeChem Ambassador and we are very pleased to be able to announce the first set...

NaBa12(BO3)7F4 (NBBF) dichroic crystals: optical properties and dielectric permittivity

Dalton Trans., 2024, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/D4DT01380H, PaperTatyana B. Bekker, Avag G. Khamoyan, Alexey V. Davydov, Vitaly N. Vedenyapin, Alexander P. Yelisseyev, Andrey V. VishnevskiyTetragonal...

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