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meK-means – biophysically interpretable inference of cell types from multimodal sequencing data

When scientists study cells, they often focus on how genes are turned on and off, and how the instructions in our DNA are turned into proteins through...

Nanopore sequencing set to transform our understanding of proteins | News

A new protein sequencing method, which uses a biological motor to pull a protein through a tiny nanopore, could revolutionise protein analysis. The researchers at the University...

A deep learning method for simultaneous denoising and missing wedge reconstruction in cryogenic electron tomography

In this section, we describe DeepDeWedge and evaluate its effectiveness on real and simulated data.The DeepDeWedge algorithmDeepDeWedge takes a single tilt series t as input and produces...

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Ecology Conferences – June 2023

Procrastinating on your writing this summer? This free 1-hour academic writing training by Dr Anna Clemens is ideal for ecology researchers who want to...

Soccer-playing robots show how nimble AI-powered machines can be

agile: Able to move quickly (and pivot as needed) with skill and little apparent effort. Sometimes the term is applied to thinking and project...

Scientists found neutron stars merge to make heavy elements

Since the 1920s, when Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding, astrophysicists have asked the...

Some birds demonstrate episodic memory similar to humans

Jays exhibit a type of memory recall through which they can mentally relive past events. Every memory you have is interwoven with rich personal detail,...

Freezing fungal farts: what is hair ice and why does it form?

Hair ice, in which ice crystals grow in thread-like structures, can be found at northerly latitudes in broadleaf forests I’ve written about water before...

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