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Nanopore sequencing set to transform our understanding of proteins | News

A new protein sequencing method, which uses a biological motor to pull a protein through a tiny nanopore, could revolutionise protein analysis. The researchers at the University...

New Methods for RNA Modification Detection and Structure Probing

RNA modifications play crucial roles in gene regulation, cellular function and the response to environmental stimuli. However, the detection and characterization of these modifications remain challenging due...

RSC calls on government to address lab space shortage | Business

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is calling on government to engage with the deep tech chemistry sector to help drive investment and address the ongoing lack...

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The Great Raccoon Dog Mystery – Independent Science News

by Jonathan Latham, PhDAnyone sincerely seeking to avoid a repeat of the COVID19 pandemic is faced with two mysteries. Both of them need urgent...

An enduring mystery | amphoteros

As you may recall from basic biochemistry courses, introns represent long stretches of noncoding DNA between exons. The latter are the bread and butter...

Saving the World or Playing with Dynamite?

It’s an oft-told story that the fortune of Swedish chemist and businessman Alfred Nobel was founded on patented explosives, including dynamite. While his products...

Spooky Scary Wildlife Diseases | Ecology for the Masses

When you think about contagious diseases, the image that’s conjured is probably not a romantic one. Spanish flu, polio, the Black Death – while...

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