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Predictions for the 2024 chemistry prize highlight growing importance of AI and computational methods | News

With the 2024 chemistry Nobel prize just two weeks away, anticipation is reaching fever pitch among aficionados of the award. Analysts and online commentators have proposed a...

In Other Journals | Science

Editors’ selections from the current scientific literature

The coming microbial crisis: Our antibiotic bubble is about to burst | Science

This month, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly will convene its second High-Level Meeting on antimicrobial resistance, urging UN member states to take decisive action against this...

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What do covid, climate change and the biodiversity crisis have in common? – Ecology is not a dirty word

Anyone who has worked in climate and biodiversity sciences over the last few decades has experienced the deep grief, frustration and helplessness that comes...

Developing a pill to treat sickle cell disease | Science

A newly identified epigenetic modifier increases fetal hemoglobin in preclinical studies

Unprecedented glimpse of catalysts working on the atomic level

New technology allows researchers to study electrochemical processes at the atomic level with new insights into a widely used catalyst. Scientists have developed a technique...

Boron is special | amphoteros

My lab and I have been heavily entrenched in the design of boron-containing covalent inhibitors of proteases. In my view, synthetic students optimally relate...

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