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How many molecules of water does it take to dissociate HCl? It’s complicated | Research

Experiments in ultracold water droplets have revealed new insights into how covalent hydrogen chloride turns into hydrochloric acid as water molecules are added one...

Melting some silver. It was melted in a ceramic crucible with an…

Melting some silver. It was melted in a ceramic crucible with an oxygene/methane torch, under circa 1h. The silver was liquified under...

Detecting anomeric effects in tetrahedral carbon bearing four oxygen substituents.

I have written a few times about the so-called “anomeric effect“, which relates to stereoelectronic interactions in molecules such as sugars bearing a tetrahedral...

RNAs may help identify stage II colon cancer patients who may benefit from chemotherapy following surgery

The decision to treat patients with stage II colon cancer with adjuvant chemotherapy remains controversial. Therefore, there is an urgent need to identify reliable...

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