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Nineteen journals shut down by Wiley following delisting and paper mill problems | News

Publishing giant Wiley has closed 19 journals, once again putting concerns around fake studies front and centre. The journals that were withdrawn were all owned...

Revolutionizing Industrial Robotics with Deep Reinforcement Learning

In the realm of industrial automation, robots are taking center stage, but mastering complex tasks like object grasping and assembly has been a hurdle. However,...

Pictures from an organic chemistry laboratory

Screening different reaction conditions using a catalystin a special reaction. Each vial contains a...

Unmutated RRAS2 Emerges as a Key Oncogene in Post-partum-associated Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Germline mutations in the BRCA1, BRCA2, PTEN, or TP53 tumor suppressor genes indicate that...

Episode 88 – Marine Art and Science in Conversation – Naturally Speaking

Connections between art and science are becoming ever more important and popular. In this episode of Naturally Speaking we have a conversation between the...

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