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Pictures from an organic chemistry laboratory

Pictures from an organic chemistry laboratory turned 8 today!During these years I have done...

Common Household Cleaning Product Found To Release Trillions of Microplastic Fibers

Research reveals that melamine sponges, commonly used for cleaning, release over a trillion microplastic fibers globally each month due to wear and tear. These...

Episode 86 – Animal welfare… on the sheep farm – Naturally Speaking

As consumers, we hope that the animals that provide our meat, milk, eggs, etc. are well cared-for and are kept in good welfare conditions....

Multilayer stacked ultra-wideband perfect solar absorber and thermal emitter based on SiO2-InAs-TiN nanofilm structure

Dalton Trans., 2024, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/D4DT01626B, PaperPeng Chen, Qianju Song, Can Ma, Zao Yi, Liang Bian, Shubo Cheng, Zhiqiang Hao, Tangyou Sun, Pinghui Wu,...

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