Nova-ST: a nano-patterned ultra-dense platform for spatial transcriptomics

in Publications, Spatial Analysis, Workflows

38 mins ago

Understanding how genes are expressed in specific locations within tissues is crucial. This spatial information helps scientists unravel the complexity of tissue architecture and function. Spatial transcriptomics is a technique that maps gene activity across tissue sections, but traditional methods have their limitations, either due to low resolution or high costs.
Nova-ST is an innovative new approach developed by researchers at the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology that builds on existing technologies but offers several key improvements.

What is Nova-ST?
Nova-ST stands for “Nova Spatial Transcriptomics,” and it’s a breakthrough in how we can study gene expression within tissues. Here’s why it’s a game-changer:

High Resolution: Nova-ST uses a dense, nano-patterned array to capture gene expression data. This means it can provide very detailed maps of gene activity at a much finer resolution compared to older methods. Imagine being able to zoom in on the intricate details of tissue sections and see exactly which genes are active in specific regions.
Cost-Effective: One of the major challenges with spatial transcriptomics has been the cost, especially when analyzing large tissue sections or multiple samples. Nova-ST addresses this by using a more affordable, flexible system based on barcoded Illumina sequencing flow cells. This makes it possible to conduct large-scale studies without breaking the bank.
Customizable and Flexible: The Nova-ST technique is not only cheaper but also highly adaptable. Researchers can tailor it to their specific needs, allowing for a wide range of applications and making it suitable for various types of tissue samples.

How Does Nova-ST Compare?
Benchmarking Nova-ST against traditional methods using mouse brain sections has shown impressive results. The new technique demonstrated significantly higher sensitivity, meaning it can detect gene activity more accurately. Plus, it achieved these results at a reduced cost, making it a more practical option for large-scale studies.
Why Does This Matter?
The ability to accurately and affordably map gene expression across large tissue sections opens up new possibilities in research and medicine. For instance, Nova-ST could lead to better understanding of brain function, disease mechanisms, and tissue development. It also holds promise for personalized medicine, where detailed tissue maps could help tailor treatments to individual patients.
In summary, Nova-ST represents a significant advancement in spatial transcriptomics. By offering high-resolution, cost-effective, and flexible tissue profiling, it paves the way for more detailed and comprehensive studies of gene expression in complex biological tissues.

Poovathingal S, Davie K, Borm LE, Vandepoel R, Poulvellarie N, Verfaillie A, Corthout N, Aerts S. (2024) Nova-ST: Nano-patterned ultra-dense platform for spatial transcriptomics. Cell Rep Methods [Epub ahead of print]. [article]


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