A tailored text message service helped teens quit vaping

A tailored, interactive text message program can help teenagers quit vaping, according to an international study. The team recruited about 1500 teenagers who intended to quit vaping for the trial, randomly split the participants into two groups, and sent a series of interactive texts aimed at helping them quit to one half while the other only received texts about staying in the trial. The program text messages focused on building skills and confidence around quitting, reminders of the risks of vaping and benefits of quitting and encouragement and support, tailored to each participant based on their age and when they had quit. Following up seven months later, the researchers say 37.8% of the group who received the support messages had successfully abstained, compared to 28% for those who did not receive the messages.

Funder: This study was funded by Truth Initiative.

Media release

From: JAMA

About The Study: A tailored, interactive text message intervention increased self-reported vaping cessation rates among adolescents recruited via social media channels.Quote from corresponding author Amanda L. Graham, PhD:“Health care providers, teachers, and parents have been asking how to help teens quit vaping. This study is a critical breakthrough that demonstrates the power of a behavioral intervention for vaping cessation. Text messages serve as powerful reminders of an initial commitment to quit and can deliver proven behavior change support right to a young person’s phone.“We also did not see evidence that teens who quit vaping transitioned to smoking. The intervention was effective in reducing dual use (smoking and vaping) and keeping teens in this study from starting to smoke.”

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