A 10 Year Update – Naturally Speaking

Conferences are a major part of life in academia: they allow us to share our work, build collaborations, and find out more about the interesting work in our field. However, conferences aren’t always easy to navigate and can involve public speaking nerves and awkward interactions.

A panel of ‘Conference Survivors’, including Professor Shaun Killen and Dr David Bailey, explored the ins and outs of conference success (and misadventure) in an episode aired over 10 years ago! In this current episode, two PhD students, Mar Pineda and Graeme Cullen, bring their supervisors back for a discussion on what has stayed the same, what has changed, and most importantly how to continue surviving conferences.

Tune in for discussions of technological developments and the rise of the virtual conference as well as the dos and don’ts of networking, and as expected, some chaotic anecdotes.

Episode Podcast:

Following the podcast, our Conference Survivors were also asked to predict what the future of conferences will look like; which you can see below:

“In 10 years, I’m sure we will be able to attend conferences virtually and appear as whatever officially licensed or sponsored avatar we want. So you could give a talk as Darth Vader, King Kong, or Ronald McDonald. Whatever you want. My dream is to give a talk as Donatello of the Ninja Turtles.” – Professor Shaun Killen

Feature image: AI image generated in Canva.

Post: Mar Pineda and Graeme Cullen.

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Intro and outro music sampled from: “The Curtain Rises” and “Early Riser” Kevin MacLeod [CC BY 3.0]

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