Phenotype prediction using biologically interpretable neural networks on multi-cohort multi-omics data

In this study, multi-omics data gathered by the Biobank-based Integrative Omics Study (BIOS) consortium was used to predict smoking status, age and low-density lipoprotein levels. Specifically, we used transcriptome and methylome data from BIOS’s four largest cohorts: LifeLines (LL), Leiden Longevity Study (LLS), Netherlands Twin Register (NTR), and Rotterdam Study (RS) to evaluate the performance and the interpretations of the created neural networks in a cohort-wise cross-validation. Importantly, all cohorts within the BIOS consortium followed the same procedure in gathering and processing data (see “Methods”). An overview of the characteristics of each cohort can be found in Table 1.Table 1 Main characteristics for all cohorts used in this studyNetwork designNeural network architectures were created using principles from the GenNet framework20. This framework uses prior knowledge (e.g. gene and pathway annotations) to connect input data to the neurons in the next layer of the neural network. CpG methylation sites were annotated using Genomic Regions Enrichment of Annotations Tool (GREAT)31 and connected to the closest gene based on genomic distance (in base pairs) resulting in 17,283 gene annotations for 481,388 methylation sites. These gene annotations were intersected with the 14,248 remaining gene expression measurements left after preprocessing, resulting in an overlap of 10,404 genes between both omic types. This set of overlapping genes was used in all analyses. The methylation gene layer was built using these genes and their corresponding 324,295 CpGs. For the creation of pathway layers, the set of overlapping genes was grouped into KEGG’s functional pathways32 from ConsensusPathDB33. Out of the 10,404 genes, 4813 genes were annotated for at least one pathway.The gene expression network (GE network, Fig. 1a) is the simplest network and consists of the gene expression input connected straight to the output node similar as in LASSO regression. The methylation network (ME network, Fig. 1b) consists of the input methylation data, a gene layer with neurons representing gene methylation made and an output node. The methylation and gene expression network (ME + GE network, Fig. 1c) combines both networks. In a similar way as in the ME network, CpGs are fed to the first layer of the network and reduced to one node per gene using gene annotations. In contrast to most other methods, gene expression is not concatenated to the input but is used as a separate input in the gene level of the network. In this layer, gene expression is combined with the neurons representing genes by methylation. Finally, a single node was used to predict the target phenotype.Fig. 1: Schematic overview of the main neural network architectures used in this study.First, the methylation data is annotated using GREAT. The intersection of this gene set and genes in the gene expression data (10,404 genes) is used to construct all neural networks. In the ME network (a), DNA methylation data (CpGs) are grouped and connected using these gene annotations. The resulting gene nodes are directly connected to the output node. Combining the ME network and the GE network (b), results in the ME + GE network (c). In the ME + GE network, each gene has a node per omic and a combined gene representation where information from both omics is merged.The activation function transforms the output signal for each neuron. For classification tasks, such as predicting if an individual smokes or not, a sigmoid activation function was used to scale the output to the range [0, 1] in the last neuron. Arctanh activation functions were used for all other layers to introduce non-linearities, increasing the modelling capabilities of the network. For regression tasks, such as predicting continuous traits such as age and LDL levels, ReLu activation functions with output range [0, ∞) were used for all layers. For a better initialization of the network, the bias of the last neuron was set to the mean value of the predicted outcome in the training set.Deeper neural networksFor more complex modelling of the interactions between expression, methylation and phenotypes, we also evaluated deeper neural networks. First, using KEGG’s functional pathways32,33 as prior knowledge, three hierarchical pathway layers were created (Fig. 2b). The first layer groups genes into 321 functional pathways such as: insulin secretion, thyroid hormone synthesis and PPAR signalling pathway. The aforementioned pathways are all part of the endocrine system group which, in turn, is a subgroup of organismal systems. The mid and global-level pathway layers were created adopting this hierarchical structure, consisting of 44 and 6 groups, respectively. Each pathway is represented by its own neuron resulting in three layers with 321, 44 and 6 nodes each. Not all genes were annotated by the KEGG functional pathway annotations, 5591 genes did not receive a functional pathway annotation. To ensure connectivity to the output for all genes, connections that skip the pathway layers (skip connections) were added from each gene to the output node (see Supplementary Fig. 2 for the distribution).Fig. 2: Overview of other visible neural network architectures used in the additional analyses.The ME + GE network base (a) serves as a basis for all networks displayed. b Pathway layers are added to this base by grouping genes and connecting them to their corresponding KEGG pathway. The KEGG functional pathways consist of a three-layer hierarchical structure with 321, 44 and 6 nodes each. To compare this network to an equivalent regular dense network (d) fully connected layers with the same dimensions were attached to the ME + GE base. Covariates were integrated in the network by adding a single layer with the covariates (c) to the base, or by adding the covariates to each combined gene representation in the ME + GE network (e).Additionally, a deeper network was constructed without any additional prior biological knowledge to compare with the KEGG pathway network (Fig. 2d). Similarly, the ME + GE network served as a basis for this network and three densely connected layers, 321, 44 and 6 nodes each, were added between the gene layer and the output node. The resulting network has thus the same number of neurons as the KEGG pathway network but has fully connected layers instead of layers based on KEGG pathway information.Cohort-wise cross-validationAn overview of the performance for each cohort and for the three different architectures can be found in Table 2. It shows the mean predictive performance and standard deviation for each fold for ten networks trained with the same hyperparameters but with different random seeds. The corresponding hyperparameters, chosen on the best performance in the validation set, can be found in Supplementary Table 3.Table 2 Performance for cohort-wise cross-validation, mean with 95% CI over ten runsPredicting smoking statusBoth gene expression and methylation were highly predictive of smoking status in all folds. The best performance was achieved by the ME + GE network, thus with both methylation and gene expression input, in the fold with the RS as the test cohort (all other cohorts were used for training and validation). In this fold, the network achieved a near-perfect classification with the area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) of 0.98 (95% CI: 0.98–0.98). Overall folds, the ME networks and ME + GE networks performed best with a mean AUC of 0.95 (95% CI: 0.93–0.98) and 0.95 (95% CI: 0.90–1.00) respectively. The GE network, based solely on gene expression input, performed substantially worse with a mean AUC of 0. 0.85 (95% CI: 0.80–0.90). Surprisingly, the mean test performance overall folds for the ME + GE network was lower for deeper networks with three fully connected layers, achieving a mean AUC of 0.91 (95% CI: 0.85–0.96) (see Supplementary Table 4). In general, each fold obtained good predictive performance for predicting smoking status, the GE network in the fold with NTR as the test cohort achieved the worst overall predictive performance with a mean AUC of 0.80 (95% CI: 0.80–0.80). The mean test performance of the multi-omic visible neural network was better than the multi-omic baseline network which achieved an AUC of 0.92 (95% CI: 0.84–1.00), mostly due to poorer generalization to the NTR test cohort (see Supplementary Table 2).The ME + GE networks exhibit a stable performance, with small CIs for the area under the curve and standard deviations not exceeding 0.03. However, there may be significant variations in the underlying weights due to stochastic processes used for network initialization and training, resulting in different starting points and optimization paths for all weights across runs. As the weights within a neural network operate relative to each other and cannot be directly compared between networks, we compared the relative contribution of each gene instead. Figure 3 demonstrates that certain genes are consistently utilized by the network to differentiate between current smokers and non-smokers across all folds, although there can be notable differences in the percentage of total weight each gene holds. In each fold, GPR15 is the most or second most predictive gene for smoking status, its signal is mainly driven by gene expression as visualized in Fig. 3. Specifically, 79.8 ± 33.3% (mean and standard deviation over all folds) of the weights that drive the signal for this gene are from the gene expression input. The next gene, AHRR, is important for prediction in three out of four cohorts. This signal is driven by both gene expression (44.3%) as well as methylation (55.6%). Other consistently highly predictive genes (i.e. genes with a weight contribution higher than 1% in three out of four cohorts) are SEMA6B, PID1, LRRN3, P2RY6, CDKN1C, CLEC10A and KCNQ1. (See Supplementary Table 5 for more details). All these consistently highly predictive genes were found before in association studies for smoking in gene expression and methylation34,35,36. A graphical overview of important pathways for smoking prediction can be found in Supplementary Fig. 3.Fig. 3: Overview of the important genes for predicting smoking status for each fold.For each gene the mean contribution as a percentage of the total weight assigned to each gene is shown together with a bar indicating the standard deviation over ten runs with different weight initializations. For each gene, the pie chart shows the mean contribution of methylation and gene expression. Each quadrant shows the variation of different runs for a single test cohort while each quadrant shows the variation across different cohort splits.To investigate the interplay between the omic types and to find omic-specific information, two additional analyses were conducted where either gene expression or methylation gene representations were penalized (see Supplementary Figs. 4–6). Without penalization, the weights for gene expression and methylation were nearly equally divided after training. Weights connected to gene expression input occupied 51.6 ± 1.3% of the weights over all the ME + GE networks, with the remainder used for methylation. In these experiments, we found that an omic-specific L1 penalty of 0.01 for gene expression reduced the contribution of the weights associated with gene expression to 0.69 ± 1.16% while a similar threshold reduced the weights associated with methylation to 2.56 ± 1.73%. A more severe omic-specific L1 threshold of 0.001 for methylation reduced the use of methylation in the top genes nearly completely, only for LRNN3 methylation input is still used in the second and third fold with (respectively ~41% and 16% of the weights for this gene). However, with the same threshold gene expression inputs are responsible for 15% of the weights for AHRR in the first fold, nearly 29% of the GPR15 weights in the second fold and 39% of RER1 in the fourth fold (see Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4). Interestingly, the importance of AHRR was severely impacted by the methylation penalty, its gene expression was barely used to predict smoking status when methylation was penalized.Predicting ageNetworks trained with both methylation and gene expression data (ME + GE) achieved a mean error of 5.16 (95% CI: 3.97–6.35) years overall folds for age prediction (see Table 2). Between folds, there were large differences in performance for predicting age. Most notably, networks did not generalize well in folds that have either the RS (ranging between 52 years and 80 years) or the LLS (ranging between 30 years and 79 years) as test cohorts, the two cohorts with the oldest population. For these cohorts, the explained variance in the test set was substantially lower than in the validation set: RS test 0.40 (95% CI: 0.37–0.43), 0.94 (95% CI: 0.93–0.94) validation, LLS test 0.95 (95% CI: 0.95–0.95), 0.61 (95% CI: 0.60–0.63) validation. Aside from being older, these cohorts also have a smaller spread in age distribution compared to the two other cohorts (See Fig. 4a and Supplementary Fig. 7). The NTR cohort ranges between roughly 18-years-old and 80-years-old while individuals from the LL cohort were between 18-years-old and 81-years-old.Fig. 4: Test predictions and activation analysis.a Test predictions for the ME + GE network for all folds (each cohort) with corresponding distributions (see Supplementary Fig. 12 for the GE and ME networks). b Activation of the ME + GE trained for age prediction. A principal component analysis clearly shows two distinct activation patterns corresponding to the different sexes. Principal component 1 is related to the sex differences, and principal component 2 to the age of the participants.Differences between omics and network types were also larger for age prediction than for smoking status prediction. The ME + GE network consistently outperformed the single-omic networks with substantial margins: the mean explained variance over all folds was 0.72 (95% CI: 0.36–1.07) for the ME + GE network, 0.30 (95% CI: −0.26 to 0.86) for gene expression, while the ME networks did not find any predictive pattern that translated to the test cohort. Training and validation performance was generally poor for the ME network, and although the GE network obtained good validation performance in terms of explained variance for each fold, this did not translate in folds with the RS and LLS as test cohorts. The baseline network performed substantially better than the visible neural network for the methylation data with an error of 4.10 years (95% CI: 2.73–5.46) versus that of 15.00 (95% CI: 4.31–25.69) for the ME network. However, the performance of the ME + GE network was slightly better (root mean squared error (RMSE) of 5.16 years, 95% CI: 3.97–6.35) than the multi-omic baseline network (RMSE of 5.90 years, 95% CI: 4.59–7.21).Interpretation of the ME + GE network revealed that many genes had a small contribution to age prediction (see Supplementary Fig. 7). The neural network found a more multifactorial solution for age prediction than for smoking, the most important gene over all folds only occupied 0.68% of all weights for predicting age compared to 3.76% for smoking. The most predictive genes with a weight contribution higher than 0.30% of the total weight in three out of the four folds were COL11A2, AFAP1, OTUD7A, PTPRN2, ADARB2 and CD34 (Supplementary Table 6). These most predictive genes were not part of Hannum et al. and Horvath’s epigenetic clocks25,26. The first principal components of the activation patterns of the ME + GE network revealed distinct activation patterns for the different sexes with a gradient in each cluster (see Fig. 4b). However, there is no significant difference in the absolute error between the sexes (Wilcoxon rank-sum, p-value of 0.98, Supplementary Figs. 8 and 9), the first principal component clusters perfectly for males and females while the second principal component is strongly related with age. Additional experiments showed that the clustering of the sexes is mainly driven by genes on the X chromosome (see Supplementary Fig. 10). Including sex as a covariate in the last layer of the model did not improve the performance of the model (mean RMSE overall folds of 7.31 [95% CI: 2.89–11.73]). Including sex information to each gene also did not lead to a better performance (mean RMSE overall folds of 10.64 [95% CI: 4.12–17.15]). However, inspecting the weights between the covariate and the genes for the best-performing network revealed strong sex-specific weights for, among others: KLF13, ANO9 and HECA (for more details see Supplementary Fig. 11). For these genes the network needed strong weights to model sex-specific effects for age prediction.After applying an omic-specific L1 penalty for methylation of 0.01, the network only used the methylation input for gene NEDD1 in the second fold with nearly 33% of the weight contribution for this gene from methylation, while in the third fold MAD1L1 had a methylation contribution of 23% (see Supplementary Fig. 14). With the same threshold for penalizing gene expression inputs, DNAJB6 had the largest gene expression use with 31% of the weight for this gene assigned to gene expression input (Supplementary Fig. 15). The deeper neural network architectures quickly overfitted, reaching high performance on the training data which did not generalize to the validation and test set. These networks were consistently outperformed by the ME + GE network (Supplementary Table 7). The best-performing network built with KEGG pathway information had the pathway: “environmental information processing” as the most predictive global pathway because of the high contributions of membrane transport (ABC transporters), signal transduction, and signalling molecules and interaction (see Supplementary Fig. 16).Predicting low-density lipoprotein levelsME + GE and GE networks explained up to 17% of the phenotypic variance in the validation set but these networks only generalized in the second fold to an explained variance of 0.07 (95% CI: 0.05–0.08) for the ME + GE network and 0.04 (95% CI: 0.04–0.05) for the GE network in the LL test cohort (see Supplementary Table 8). In this fold, the largest gene, FAM53A only occupied 0.052% of the total weight (Supplementary Fig. 17). The weights for all genes in the ME + GE network were small and evenly spread, indicating that the network did not find individual genes with a strong effect for predicting LDL levels. Additional layers, be it pathways or densely connected layers, did not improve predictive performance.

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