Obesity in mums linked to sudden unexpected infant deaths

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2024-07-30 01:00

US and NZ researchers say they have found a link between maternal obesity and the risk of sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID). They looked into close to 19 million live births, with 16,545 cases of SUID in the US over five years, and say mums who had obesity increased their risk, with the risk increasing based on an increase in their obesity. Though this kind of study cannot directly prove that one thing causes another, the team say approximately 5.4% of SUID cases could be attributable to obesity in mums.

Journal/conference: JAMA Pediatrics

Link to research (DOI): 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.2455

Organisation/s: Microsoft Corporation, USA

Funder: Dr Ramirez
reported grants from the National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health
outside the submitted work. Dr Mitchell reported
receiving consultation support from the Aaron
Matthew SIDS Research Guild at Seattle Children’s

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