Activating a high-spin iron(ii) complex to thermal spin-crossover with an inert non-isomorphous molecular dopant

[Fe(bpp)2][ClO4]2 (bpp = 2,6-bis{pyrazol-1-yl}pyridine; monoclinic, C2/c) is high-spin between 5–300 K, and crystallises with a highly distorted molecular geometry that lies along the octahedral–trigonal prismatic distortion pathway. In contrast, [Ni(bpp)2][ClO4]2 (monoclinic, P21) adopts a more regular, near-octahedral coordination geometry. Gas phase DFT minimisations (ω-B97X-D/6-311G**) of [M(bpp)2]2+ complexes show the energy penalty associated with that coordination geometry distortion runs as M2+ = Fe2+ (HS) ≈ Mn2+ (HS) < Zn2+ ≈ Co2+ (HS) ≲ Cu2+ ≪ Ni2+ ≪ Ru2+ (LS; HS = high-spin, LS = low-spin). Slowly crystallised solid solutions [FexNi1−x(bpp)2][ClO4]2 with x = 0.53 (1a) and 0.74 (2a) adopt the P21 lattice, while x = 0.87 (3a) and 0.94 (4a) are mixed-phase materials with the high-spin C2/c phase as the major component. These materials exhibit thermal spin-transitions at T½ = 250 ± 1 K which occurs gradually in 1a, and abruptly and with narrow thermal hysteresis in 2a–4a. The transition proceeds to 100% completeness in 1a and 2a; that is, the 26% Ni doping in 2a is enough to convert high-spin [Fe(bpp)2][ClO4]2 into a cooperative, fully SCO-active material. These results were confirmed crystallographically for 1a and 2a, which revealed similarities and differences between these materials and the previously published [FexNi1−x(bpp)2][BF4]2 series. Rapidly precipitated powders with the same compositions (1b–4b) mostly resemble 1a–4a, except that 2b is a mixed-phase material; 2b–4b also contain a fraction of amorphous solid in addition to the two crystal phases. The largest iron fraction that can be accommodated by the P21 phase in this system is 0.7 ± 0.1.

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