Water storage systems could help cool artificial grass

Storing water under artificial grass could help cool it down, according to international researchers. The team looked at a type of self-cooling artificial grass, with a water storage and irrigation system underneath, and compared this to conventional artificial grass which can reach up to 70°C on hot days. They found that on a particularly hot day in June 2020, the cooled turf reached a surface temperature of 37°C – just 1.7°C higher than natural grass – whereas surface temperatures of the conventional artificial turf reached 62.5°C. The cooling system could provide a safe, reliable, and cool environment to play sport, the team says, and as the design can use rainwater to fill the system, it could also improve rainwater and flood management.

Journal/conference: Frontiers in Sustainable Cities

Link to research (DOI): 10.3389/frsc.2024.1399858

Organisation/s: KWR Water Research Institute, Netherlands

Funder: This research was financed with PPS-funding from the Topconsortia for Knowledge & Innovation (TKI’s) of the Ministry of Economic
Affairs and Climate (The Netherlands).

Media release

From: Frontiers

Water stored under artificial turf could make cities cooler and safer to play inArtificial turf with an integrated subsurface water storage and irrigation system could make sports courts safer and cooler while helping cities with water and flood management[SUMMARY] When the summer in the city is hot, sports fields covered in artificial turf can reach high enough temperatures to cause health problems. Artificial turf with an integrated water storage and capillary irrigation system, however, could help to cool down the turf. Researchers have found that this system can lower surface temperatures almost by half, providing a safe, reliable, and cool environment to play sports in. The system could also improve cities’ rainwater and flood management, the researchers said.[MAIN TEXT]For those living in cities, space to play sports outside can be a scarcity. Recently, natural grass in parks or public sports courts has often been replaced with more durable artificial turf to allow heavy consecutive use.There are, however, downsides to this practice, both for people and for cities as a whole. Now, scientists in the Netherlands have set out to change that by integrating a subsurface water storage and capillary irrigation system under artificial turf sports fields.“Here we show that including a subsurface water storage and capillary irrigation system in artificial turf fields can lead to significantly lower surface temperatures compared to conventional artificial turf fields,” said Dr Marjolein van Huijgevoort, a hydrologist at KWR Water Research Institute and first author of the article published in Frontiers in Sustainable Cities. “With circular on-site water management below the field, a significant evaporative cooling effect is achieved.”Cooler turf and airThe artificial turf and subbase system includes an open water storage layer directly underneath the artificial turf and shockpad. In this water layer, rainwater is stored. This water retention system contains cylinders that transport the stored water back up to the surface of the artificial turf, where it evaporates.“The process of evaporative cooling and capillary rise is controlled by natural processes and weather conditions, so water only evaporates when there is demand for cooling,” van Huijgevoort explained.Conventional artificial turf can reach surface temperatures of up to 70°C on sunny days. These temperatures are high enough to cause burn injuries and trigger heat related illnesses, ranging from mild rashes to potentially life-threatening conditions like heat stroke.In a field experiment conducted in Amsterdam, the researchers found that when conventional turf was replaced with the self-cooling turf, temperatures dropped. They reported that on a particularly hot day in June 2020, the cooled turf reached a surface temperature of 37°C – just 1.7°C higher than natural grass – whereas surface temperatures of the conventional artificial turf reached 62.5°C.Above the plots, temperatures also differed. “We found lower air temperatures 75cm above the cooled plots compared to conventional artificial turf fields, especially during the night,” said van Huijgevoort. “This is a first indication that the cooled plots contribute less to the urban heat island effect.”Artificial with natural advantagesThe cooling turf combines advantages of artificial turf and natural grass: It is durable, keeps itself cool, and offers a healthy environment to play sports. It can also store almost as much rainwater as natural grass. The field’s rainwater retention capacity also reduces stormwater drainage, which helps mitigate urban flooding. During periods when it does not rain enough, extra water can be added directly into the system. Alternatively, it could be watered like natural grass.Installation costs, however, can be up to twice as expensive as for conventional artificial turf. The researchers said that a full-scale cost-benefit analysis should be undertaken to find out the true value of the investment.Further research also needs to confirm how cooling turf could impact the surrounding area and cities as a whole. Learning more about the benefits of the turf in different climates and using different storage sizes, materials, and infills is also necessary to find the optimal combination, the researchers pointed out.Initial results, however, are promising. “People in urban areas, especially children, have a growing need for sport and play facilities,” van Huijgevoort concluded. “With this work we show the benefits of the subsurface water storage and capillary irrigation system without negative effects of artificial turf fields.”

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