Atomically dispersed cobalt catalysts for tandem synthesis of primary benzylamines from oxidized β-O-4 segments

This work presents an innovative approach focusing on fine-tuning the coordination environment of atomically dispersed cobalt catalysts for tandem synthesis of primary benzylamines from oxidized lignin model compounds. By meticulously regulating the Co–N coordination environment, the activity of these catalysts in the hydrogenolysis and reductive amination reactions was effectively controlled. Notably, our study demonstrates that, in contrast to cobalt nanoparticle catalysts, atomically dispersed cobalt catalysts exhibit precise control of the sequence of hydrogenolysis and reductive amination reactions. Particularly, the CoN3 catalyst with a triple Co–N coordination number achieved a remarkable 94% yield in the synthesis of primary benzylamine. To our knowledge, there is no previous documentation of the synthesis of primary benzylamines from lignin dimer model compounds. Our study highlights a promising one-pot route for sustainable production of nitrogen-containing aromatic chemicals from lignin.

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