Celebrate #UnlockYourGraduation with #RealTimeChem | Doctor Galactic & The Lab Coat Cowboy

Hi #RealTimeChem!

More than a year has passed since the pandemic started, and it still affects our lives in a tremendous way. Among all the necessary changes we needed to face to tackle this situation, the move to online events has been one of the most impactful.

It is up for debate whether the switch from face-to-face to remote video calls could be considered a good alternative, even if essential to keep us safe. For example, how can we compare the joy of celebrating an important achievement like a graduation with family and friends with a palliative zoom call?

I defended my PhD during the pandemic, online and without audience, and I must admit that this was not great at all, especially because I could not celebrate in person this important moment with my family and friends, and I could not acknowledge their contribution to my success as I wished.

Ok it took me a while to realize what’s going on… But I can proudly say that I passed my exam and I am officially a Doctor! In this crazy period I could still defend it, and even if it was a private session, I’m happy that everything went well. Now it’s time for acknowledgement— Gabriele Laudadio (@g_laudadio) May 28, 2020

For this reason, in agreement with the curators of @RealTimeChem, we would like to promote a global Twitter celebration for all the people like me who defended their chemistry PhD or obtained their BSc/MSc during the pandemic, sharing photos/videos of their special day.

To do so, we chose the hashtag #UnlockYourGraduation to share these indelible moments with the #RealTimeChem and #ChemTwitter communities.

So graduated recently? Get involved! We would love to hear from you. Share pictures/videos and memories of your graduation (and how you got there) on Twitter with the hashtag and celebrate your hard earned achievements with your peers.

We think this would be a great opportunity to connect more people in the platform via a cheerful and inclusive event, which is what we need during these challenging times to restart our lives with positive vibes.

Gabriele (@g_laudadio)

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