Self-supervised learning for characterising histomorphological diversity and spatial RNA expression prediction across 23 human tissue types

Histology tile representations learnt via self-supervision distinguish tissue substructures and pathological features without labelsWe utilised 13,898 Whole Slide Images (WSI) across 23 tissues collected from 838 donor individuals as part of GTEx7. WSI are gigapixel images (e.g. 50,000 × 150,000 pixels), in which much of the image does not contain tissue. To obtain only tissue containing sections of the WSIs, we segmented the tissue from background using a previously published U-net (Supplementary Fig. 1). Self-supervised models have been recently shown to be effective in learning compact, rich image representations17,18,19,20,21,22. Therefore, we sought to learn relevant features present in histology images by training a Vision Transformer (ViT-S) on 1.7 M GTEx histology tiles using the self-supervised DINO framework16,23 (see Methods). Despite being trained with no labels, we see that learnt representations clearly capture and separate cell types (e.g. adipocytes), pathological features (e.g. arterial calcification) and tissue substructures (e.g. tibial vessel layers: intima, media, adventitia) (Fig. 2, Supplementary Fig. 2 for additional tissues) whilst not being affected by confounding related to where samples was processed or the hospital the donor enrolled at (Supplementary Fig. 3) (see methods). We compared our self-supervised representations learnt from GTEx, to both representations obtained from a ResNet50 model pre-trained on ImageNet and a self-supervised Swin transformer trained on 15 million histology images, CTransPath24. We see that our representations better capture intrinsic tissue substructures with a consistent improvement in median silhouette score across a range of k-mean clusters [3,20]: ImageNet embeddings = 0.092, CTransPath embeddings = 0.137, DINO embeddings = 0.196 (Tibial Artery); ImageNet embeddings = 0.103, CTransPath embeddings = 0.138, DINO embeddings = 0.225 (Esophagus Mucosa). (Supplementary Fig. 4). With the aim of assessing the impact training has on DINO embeddings, we performed a 3-fold cross validation on a subset of the data (500k tiles from 7 tissues each), excluding any sample that contained annotated patches. Tile clustering was consistent across folds, as confirmed by the silhouette scores: 0.190, 0.195 and 0.193 for fold 1, 2, 3 respectively (std = 0.003) for tibial artery and 0.219, 0.228 and 0.226 for fold 1, 2, 3 respectively (std = 0.005) for esophagus mucosa (Supplementary Figs. 5, 6).Fig. 2: UMAP embeddings of tibial artery tile features from three representation learning methods.A ResNet50 with pretrained weights from ImageNet. B CTransPath (pretrained on 15 M histology images). C Our self-supervised ViT-S model trained using self-distillation with no labels (DINO). Tiles have been manually labelled with tissue substructures/pathologies to interpret clusters. DINO embeddings show both better qualitative clustering and quantitative silhouette scores, a 43% improvement over CTransPath.Self-supervised WSI tissue substructure and pathology segmentationSegmenting various tissues into constituent tissue substructures is a time consuming task that does not scale easily to thousands of WSI. Additionally, it has not been widely documented how normal tissue substructures vary in a population or which genes are specific to each substructure or pathological feature. To automate the dissection of tissue into constituent substructures and pathological features, we manually labelled a small subset of image tiles from a range of tissue types, with annotations that were validated by a clinical histopathologist (see Methods). Fixing the ViT-S encoder, we performed inference on the WSI tiles as well as the subset of labelled tiles to obtain their corresponding representations. We trained a k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN) model using the labelled tile representations and inferred the class of each unlabelled tile originating from a given WSI (see Methods). First, we benchmarked our approach against Resnet and CTransPath for classifying labelled tiles using a kNN. We see that the average accuracy achieved using our DINO model embeddings outperforms other approaches in all tissues tested: tibial artery (DINO = 0.937, CTransPath = 0.897, ImageNet = 0.757), esophagus mucosa (DINO = 0.909, CTransPath = 0.888, ImageNet = 0.786) and colon (DINO = 0.956, CTransPath = 0.949, ImageNet = 0.907). Additionally, by mapping annotated tiles back to the original histology, we see that our tile-classification-based approach for tissue segmentation clearly detects known tissue substructures and pathological features (Fig. 3). We quantitatively evaluated the accuracy of the kNN in the tile-level classification: for each tissue, we held-out 10% of the annotated tiles of each class from the kNN model fitting and measured its accuracy across 10 folds. Median accuracy across all derived tissue substructure and pathological features was 92% ± 3.5%.Fig. 3: Pathology and tissue substructure segmentation of GTEx histology samples.A H&E WSI of tibial artery, esophagus mucosa and colonic tissue. B Segmentation of substructures and localised pathological features via k-Nearest neighbours on tile features. WSI tissue types have been labelled according to their GTEx descriptor which may not perfectly represent the specimen (e.g. the esophagus mucosa example includes submucosa).To further assess our automated segmentation quantitatively, we compared calcified cases as described in the GTEx pathology notes versus our inferred calcification labelled tiles per WSI. Tiles inferred as belonging to the calcification class had high sensitivity in recovering ground-truth pathologist labels, with AUROC = 0.93, sensitivity = 89.7%, specificity = 79.0% (Supplementary Fig. 7), indicating that the vast majority of true positive cases were correctly identified by the kNN segmentation model. Additionally, when considering calcification occupying > 5% of the tissue present in a WSI, our model identifies a further eight cases. Upon manual inspection, five of these eight cases were false positives containing debris that resembled calcification; however, three WSI clearly contained calcification (false negatives) that were not labelled as such in the GTEx pathology notes (Supplementary Fig. 8). This highlights the utility of our approach to discover unannotated pathological features, with the potential to aid pathological reporting. Finally, we evaluated the kNN robustness across the three DINO training folds: the median accuracy was highly comparable: 0.930 ± 0.005 for tibial artery and 0.904 ± 0.007 for esophagus mucosa.The full list of tissue substructures and pathological features with corresponding accuracy and variability across 10-folds are presented in Supplementary Tables 1, 2.Substantial variability in tissue substructure proportions across donorsWhilst GTEx pathology notes contain labels of whether subjects have a given pathological feature or not, there is no information on its extent, i.e. the proportion of affected tissue, nor its spatial location within the tissue. Using our kNN segmentation model, we inferred labels for all tissue tiles across all WSI considered. By doing so, we can represent any given sample as the proportion of its inferred tissue substructures and pathological features, allowing us to quantify inter-subject variability. We see that the proportion of different tissue substructures and pathological features vary dramatically across donors within the same tissue type (Fig. 4, Supplementary Fig. 9). For example, the proportion of calcified tissue in tibial artery samples varies from 0 to 44% with a mean of 3.3%. This pattern is true across all tissues and substructures quantified (Supplementary Table 3). In some but not all cases, this likely represents tissue sampling variation as opposed to true biological or pathological variation.Fig. 4: Pathology and tissue substructure segmentation and its inter-donor variability.Examples of differential tibial artery calcification (A) and its cohort variability (B). Colonic mucosa variability (C, D) and tibial nerve adipose tissue (E, F).An acute difficulty when dissecting tissue without laser capture microdissection (LCM) is obtaining the correct target tissue of interest with little to no contamination of other tissue components. This is critical for enabling the precise characterisation of gene expression tissue specificity or quantifying the degree of tissue sharing across eQTLs25,26,27. For example in GTEx, ‘esophagus mucosa’ tissue is defined as having mucosal epithelium present, whilst ‘esophagus muscularis’ tissue should not. To determine the presence of a contaminant or incorrect target tissue, we assessed the degree to which squamous epithelium was present in muscularis samples. Surprisingly, 6% of muscularis samples (total n = 950) contain mucosal tissue (>1%) (Supplementary Fig. 10). To determine whether this is recapitulated at the level of gene expression, we checked the expression level of a gene specific to mucosal epithelium, KRT6A. We see that there is substantial expression of KRT6A in 8.8% of GTEx esophagus muscularis samples (> 20TPM), confirming both the histology and RNA-seq contain non-target tissue.Similarly, varying amounts of adherent adipose tissue is commonly present in a variety of GTEx samples due to imperfect histological dissection. For example, 84% of coronary arteries and 95% of tibial nerve samples have > 10% of the specimen composed of adipose tissue. Indeed, using a highly specific gene expression marker of adipocytes, PLIN1, we see that after subcutaneous adipose tissue (median TPM = 970), visceral adipose tissue (median TPM = 542) and breast mammary tissue (median TPM = 310), tibial nerve (median TPM = 40) and coronary artery (median TPM = 30) have the highest PLIN1 expression across all 54 tissues. These findings suggest there is significant inter-tissue donor variability in GTEx histology and hence derived RNA-seq, but also substantial “contamination” of tissue substructure types across tissue classes in GTEx. Importantly, this affects estimates of eQTL tissue-sharing, with tibial nerve, mammary, subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue having the largest degree of tissue-shared eQTL effects across tissues25. Whilst tissue sharing eQTLs between different fat compartments (i.e. subcutaneous and visceral) and breast tissue would be expected, sharing of adipose-nerve eQTL effects is most likely due to the adipocyte fraction present in GTEx nerve samples rather than any underlying biological sharing of nerve-tissue specific eQTLs with adipose tissue. Our findings suggest that estimates of tissue sharing eQTLs are likely inflated and that LCM, single-cell RNA-seq and spatial technologies at scale will likely revise these estimates downwards.Sex and age-specific variability in tissue substructure and pathological featuresHaving quantitative measures of tissue substructures allows us to assess the histological impact of age and other epidemiological variables on tissue structure and its variability in a population. To address this systematically, we fit linear models to investigate whether variability in any of the 29 tissue substructure or pathological features quantified with accuracy > 80% (see Methods) across donors had sex, age, BMI or ischemic time specific effects. We find 18 sex, 19 age, 4 BMI and 19 ischemic time significant associations (see Data and Code Availability to download full summary statistics). For example, we see that the amount of arterial calcification (P-value = 7.2 × 10−15, β = 0.033) and atherosclerosis (P-value = 1.52 × 10−13, β = 0.023) increase with age, and atherosclerosis is more common in males (P-value = 1.4 × 10−4, β = −0.30). Many of the significant associations were confirmatory and expected, for example breast lobules being almost exclusive to female breast tissue (P-value = 2.5 × 10−36, β = 0.99), the amount of solar elastosis in sun exposed skin increases with age (P-value = 1.57 × 10−32, β = 0.04), and autolysed mucosa capturing ischemic time effects (P-value = 2.04 × 10−34, β = 0.001). Interestingly, we find a link between gynecomastoid hyperplasia and age (P-value = 2.81 × 10−8, β = 0.01). This is likely due to increased adiposity in older age (both sexes) and decreased testosterone production in older men28.Finally, adipose tissue abundance in breast tissue is known to increase with age, and this increased adiposity is associated with risk of breast cancer29. We demonstrate our derived adipose proportions are associated with age in female breast mammary tissue samples (P-value = 8.5 × 10−4, β = 1.9 × 10−2). This effect was robust to BMI adjustment (P-value = 3.5 × 10−4, β = 5.9 × 10−2) whilst the same effect was not observed in male donors, despite being better powered (P-value = 0.75, β = −1.68 × 10−3). This demonstrates the ability of our approach to find epidemiological links between tissue substructures and pathological features in WSI. The integration of WSI (generated from either archival material or through routine digital pathology workflows) with detailed electronic healthcare records could prove useful to discover additional novel, prognostic and epidemiologic associations.Pervasive differential expression driven by substructure and pathology variation across tissuesWe sought to assess the extent to which gene expression is impacted by tissue substructure variation between donors across a given tissue by differential expression analysis (see Methods). We observe pervasive differential expression within tissues and their constituent tissue substructures, with median = 1753 number of genes (FDR1%) being differentially expressed (see Data and Code Availability to download full summary statistics). Interestingly, even for individual tissue substructures that make up the majority of a particular tissue, such as dermis in skin (1955 FDR1%), tunica media in tibial artery (12,810 FDR1%) and nerve bundles in tibial nerve (751 FDR1%), there is significant differential expression between samples. These findings highlight the tissue sampling variability present in GTEx, in which the underlying proportions of each tissue has substantial inter-donor variability. In the extremes, this can represent tissue samples within a tissue class that do not resemble the same underlying target tissue that was supposed to be acquired (Supplementary Fig. 11).We first investigated differential gene expression (DE) enrichment in substructures with known positive controls. For example, 1484 differentially expressed genes (FDR1%) were detected for adipocyte proportion across coronary artery samples. Reassuringly, the top differentially expressed gene was LIPE (β = 0.46, P-value = 4.43 × 10−9), a selective marker for adipocytes, as well as ADIPOQ, PLIN1, PLIN5 and CIDEC (P-value < 1 × 10−7), all genes known to be specifically expressed in adipocytes. As expected, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) confirmed adipose tissue to be the most likely tissue type (P-value = 2.33 × 10−71). Similar results were obtained for other well-described tissue substructures, such as submucosal glands in esophagus mucosa being enriched for genes associated with gastric epithelial cells (P-value = 1.39 × 10−33) with top DE genes including SPDEF (P-value = 9.87 × 10−23), a gene required for mucous cell differentiation30, as well as MUC5B (P-value = 6.07 × 10−16), a specific marker of mucin secreting epithelial cells31. Similarly, levels of inflammation in esophagus mucosa were enriched for peripheral blood cells (P-value = 8.68 × 10−30) with top DE genes representing broad lymphocyte markers (e.g. LTB, CD5, CD6, CD48; P-values all < 1 × 10−18). All these confirmatory results provide reassurance that our derived proportions capture specific tissue substructures and that we are able to relate inter-donor variation in such substructures to changes in RNA levels.Similar to quantified tissue substructures, we investigated genes differentially expressed due to differential amounts of pathological features across donors. For atherosclerosis proportion in tibial artery, 6121 DE genes were detected at FDR 1%. Top cell-type enrichments were T-memory cells, NK-cells and endothelial cells (P-value < 1 × 10−16). Macrophages, known as foam cells in atherosclerotic plaques, were also enriched but to a lesser extent (P-value = 1.36 × 10−3).For tibial artery calcification, a co-morbid pathology of atherosclerosis, we identified 1794 differentially expressed genes (FDR1%). Two of the most significant genes were DUSP4 (β = 0.25, P-value = 2.19 × 10−16), known to play a role in calcium homeostasis and KCNN4 (β = 0.21, P-value = 2.09 × 10−11), a calcium activated potassium channel shown to induce vascular calcification32. Enrichment analysis demonstrated macrophages (P-value = 8.47 × 10−40) to be the most enriched cell-type. Macrophages are known to play an important role both in atherosclerosis and concurrent arterial calcification, with recruitment of macrophages shown to drive increased osteogenic calcification whilst displaying a pro-inflammatory phenotype. Collectively, these enrichments represent the known interplay in atherosclerosis between intima endothelial cells and the chronic inflammation and fat deposition taking place in atherosclerotic arteries.Finally, as calcification is reported in the GTEx pathology notes, we sought to compare our continuous measure of calcification derived from the WSI with the reported presence or absence of calcification in the GTEx pathology notes. To do so, we divided samples (n = 579) between healthy (n = 442) and calcified (n = 137) according to the pathology notes and tested for differential expression in a linear model, whilst correcting for confounders (see Methods). We identified 1025 differentially expressed genes after FDR1% correction versus 1794 when using our WSI-derived continuous measure of calcification. Whilst 78% of the differentially expressed genes found using the GTEx reports are shared between both analyses, our results suggest we benefit from increased power when assessing continuous measures of calcification rather than just its presence or absence, as well as the identification of genes associated with amount of calcification rather than merely its presence (Supplementary Fig. 12).Genetic association and detection of interaction eQTLs driven by tissue substructure and pathological variationAs pathologies such as calcification are complex traits, we assessed whether derived pathological feature proportions are associated with common genetic variation (see methods). To do this, we performed GWAS on four derived pathologies: coronary and tibial artery calcification as well as inflammation and vascular congestion in esophagus mucosa. Whilst no variants were genome-wide significant, considering suggestive hits (P-value < 1.0 × 10−6), we find four variants associated with pathological features. All variants have either been previously described in relevant complex disease GWAS or are associated with relevant traits through Phenome-Wide Association Studies (PheWAS). rs971292786-C (β = 0.51, P-value = 1.9 × 10−7) is associated with levels of calcification in coronary arteries and in a FinnGen PheWAS (Freeze version 8), rs971292786-C is associated with coronary angioplasty (β = 0.055, P-value = 4.10 × 10−5), with a consistent direction of effect. Coronary angioplasty is the primary surgical procedure used to treat atherosclerotic arteries. For inflammation in esophagus mucosa, we find two variants rs111402007-A (β = 0.53, P-value = 7.64 × 10−7) and rs35779991-C (β = 0.25, P-value = 8.87 × 10−7). rs35779991-C is genome-wide significant in a GWAS for Body Mass Index (BMI) (β = 0.018, P-value = 9.97 × 10−12) whilst rs111402007-A has been previously associated with increased White Blood Cell Count (β = 0.023, P-value = 5.8 × 10−7). Effect directions are consistent with the known relationship between low-grade systemic inflammation in obesity, and WBC count33. Finally, we find a single locus rs4364259-A (β = −0.19, P-value = 3.47 × 10−7) associated with vascular congestion in esophagus mucosa which has been previously associated with hydroxyvitamin-D levels (β = 0.0158, P-value = 2.2 × 10−308) (Supplementary Fig. 13).Similar to previous efforts12,14,34,35,36, we carried out interaction eQTL analyses to identify cis-eQTLs whose effect is driven by the amount of tissue substructures and pathological features across donors. By fitting linear models with tissue substructure or a pathological feature as an interaction term, we identified 284 interaction eQTLs (FDR 10%) in 250 unique genes across 31 different phenotypes in eight tissues for which annotations were available. Examples of such interaction eQTLs are visualised in Supplementary Fig. 14. These analyses compare favourably to similar work in which sparse factor models were used to discover 68 abstract image morphology QTLs (imQTLs) across 8 GTEx tissues (FDR 10%)12, that could not be linked directly to tissue substructure or function. These results provide further evidence that many bulk-tissue eQTLs could be due to differential amounts of tissue substructure within a tissue type due to experimental sampling variation and/or due to variability and presence of pathological features across donor tissues.RNAPath accurately predicts and spatially localises genes in histology WSIAs our self-supervised histology tile representations accurately separate known tissue substructures and pathological features, and given paired RNA-seq profiles are available for each donor from the same RNAlater aliquot, we sought to assess whether gene expression influenced by specific histomorphological features could be predicted directly from H&E histology. To do so, we introduce RNAPath, a set of multiple instance learning (MIL) models trained in a tissue specific way (details about training, validation and test set size in Supplementary Table 4), that takes as input histology tile representations and outputs both spatial expression maps for each gene as well as their whole-tissue expression prediction (see Methods). To assess RNAPath’s ability to predict individual RNA abundance at the bulk level, we evaluated the accuracy of bulk RNA-seq prediction by measuring the Pearson correlation coefficient (r score) between predicted expression and ground truth (see Methods). Median r score across all genes varies substantially across tissues, with the best performance in heart (median r score = 0.65) and worst performance in pituitary gland (median r score = 0.13) (Fig. 5, Supplementary Table 5). At the individual gene level, we find that 4435 genes can be predicted extremely accurately from histology alone, with an r score ≥ 0.75 in at least one tissue. We measured the robustness of the model through a 5-fold cross validation on three tissues, with the smallest (coronary artery, n = 239), median (breast, n = 456) and largest (skeletal muscle = 797) sample size available. The accuracy of predictions grows linearly with the dimension of the training set (median r score = 0.181 ± 0.028 for coronary artery, 0.346 ± 0.038 for breast and 0.484 ± 0.021 for skeletal muscle) as well as the model robustness, with the standard deviation of gene correlation coefficients across folds having a negative correlation with sample size (0.187 ± 0.069 for coronary artery, 0.128 ± 0.051 for breast and 0.082 ± 0.033 for skeletal muscle) both in the validation and test set (Supplementary Fig. 15).Fig. 5: RNAPath accuracy, measured by computing the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between expression prediction and bulk RNA-seq, across 23 GTEx tissues.The number of test samples used to derive statistics is reported next to each model on the x-axis. The violin plots depict the distribution of Pearson correlation coefficients, with the inner box showing their median and interquartile range (25th and 75th percentile) and the tails ranging in the interval (Q1 − 1.5 × IQR, Q3 + 1.5 × IQR), across the tested genes (cross-tissue average = 11,327).We also tested whether RNAPath results are invariant to DINO encoders trained on different folds (Supplementary Fig. 5). We see consistent results: the mean accuracy of predicted gene expression in esophagus mucosa was 0.461 ± 0.006, demonstrating little to no impact from encoder variability; gene correlation coefficients also had little variation across folds (std = 0.027).Whilst our histology tile representations were not learnt with the express intent of predicting RNA levels, we demonstrate superior performance against a leading deep learning method, HE2RNA9, across the majority of tissues analysed (+0.20 mean r score) (Supplementary Fig. 16). Finally, we evaluated the tissue specificity and tissue sharing nature of genes that RNAPath was able to regress well (r > 0.5). We see that the majority of these genes are tissue-specific, meaning that they are regressed accurately in a single tissue. However, many genes are regressed equally well in multiple tissues, and recapitulate known tissue relationships and anatomical proximity, such as esophagus muscularis with gastroesophageal junction (shared genes = 837, IoU = 0.35, P-value = 1.38 × 10−6) and transverse colon with sigmoid colon (shared genes = 1760, IoU = 0.33, P-value = 5.83 × 10−182). Whilst unrelated tissues such as pituitary gland and omentum share few well regressed genes (shared genes = 11, P-value = 0.71). This enrichment reflects the sharing of tissue substructures and cell types between biologically related tissues (Supplementary Fig. 17).As well as bulk level predictions, RNAPath provides tile level (128 × 128 pixel) expression-morphology predictions which can be used to create spatial expression maps of any specific gene across a histology sample. To validate our spatial predictions in order to use RNAPath for uncovering novel tissue morphology-expression relationships, we sought to examine first the spatial expression of well known marker genes. To do this, we compared the spatial predictions of PLIN1 (adipocytes), DCD (eccrine sweat glands), CRNN (mucosal epithelium) and SLC6A19 (colonic mucosa), genes that are known to be selectively expressed in those tissue substructures, to immunohistochemistry (IHC) in matched tissues from the Human Protein Atlas37. We see high concordance between our spatially resolved RNA expression predictions and that of matched antibody staining, validating that we can use RNAPath to draw novel inferences between RNA expression and specific tissue morphology (Fig. 6).Fig. 6: RNAPath predictions of canonical marker gene expression validated by immunohistochemistry (IHC).From left to right: original H&E section from GTEx, RNAPath predicted spatial expression for marker genes (DCD: Eccrine sweat glands in skin (A); SLC6A19 in colonic mucosa (B); CRNN in esophageal mucosal epithelium (C); PLIN1 in breast adipose tissue (D); IHC for corresponding protein expression courtesy of Human Protein Atlas59. Red corresponds to high expression, blue to low expression. Images available from published under a CC BY-SA 3.0 license.Spatial expression signatures in tissue substructures and localised tissue pathological featuresWe sought to detail what genes were specific to individual tissue substructures and pathological features. To do this, we computed an enrichment score for every gene and every quantified tissue substructure and localised pathological feature measured. The enrichment score quantifies the difference of a gene’s predicted spatial expression between a region of interest (ROI) and the whole tissue (see methods). We investigated the relationship between up-regulated genes in our differential expression analysis (e.g. those with a positive coefficient) and our Substructure Specific Enrichment Score (SSES) metric produced by RNAPath. Taking as an example submucosal glands (Fig. 7A–C) and focal inflammation in esophagus mucosa, we identified 311 and 3,471 upregulated genes respectively (FDR1%). By comparing these genes to RNAPath SSE scores, we see that 100% and 91% have SSES > 1 for submucosal glands and inflammation respectively. For tibial artery calcification (Fig. 7D–F), of the 112 upregulated genes in our differential expression results, 64% have SSES > 1, highlighting the difference between differential expression induced changes and genes specific to calcification morphology (see Data and Code Availability to download full summary statistics). Interestingly, CRTAC1, a gene we find enriched in areas of calcification (Fig. 7F) was recently independently validated as a spatial calcification and atherosclerosis biomarker38.Fig. 7: A comparison of differential gene expression analysis and our SSES metric across donors for submucosal gland and arterial calcification proportion.A, D Esophagus mucosa and tibial artery histology images from GTEx. B, E Differential expression analysis volcano plot for submucosal gland and arterial calcification proportions (x-axis: linear model coefficient, y-axis: -Log10 two-sided adjusted p-value from t-test after FDR1% correction). Blue corresponds to significantly differentially expressed, downregulated genes, and red corresponds to significantly differentially expressed, upregulated genes. C, F Considering genes with a positive coefficient (up-regulated), we see that our SSES metric when applied to RNAPath predictions is able to find genes (e.g. AZGP1 and CRTAC1) that are both significant in DE analysis, but are also highly spatially restricted to submucosal glands and calcification foci, respectively.Finally, as lncRNAs tend to be more tissue specific, we sought to test whether they are also more tissue substructure specific than other gene biotypes. We observe that lncRNAs are predicted more accurately by RNAPath compared to protein-coding genes (0.35 vs 0.32 median r score, Supplementary Fig. 18) and are also more likely to be enriched for tissue substructures and pathologies (1.49 vs 1.23 SSES) (see Data and Code Availability to download full summary statistics). These results suggest that RNAPath could be used to further characterise and localise the expression of lncRNAs with unknown function.In addition to our SSES metric, we computed Moran’s I, a spatial autocorrelation metric commonly used in spatial analysis and more recently in spatial transcriptomics applications39,40. A low Moran’s I score indicates a gene is not spatially autocorrelated, with diffuse expression across a tissue section, whilst a high Moran’s I score represents high spatial autocorrelation, with expression restricted to specific substructures, tissue neighbourhoods or pathologies. We computed Moran’s I score for all genes across all tissues, using the spatial predictions of RNAPath, along with the corresponding tile coordinates (see Data and Code Availability to download full summary statistics). The spatial autocorrelation of genes predicted by RNAPath varies significantly, with some genes highly restricted to tissue substructures and others expressed uniformly across the tissue section (Supplementary Fig. 19). Interestingly, as Moran’s I and our spatial predictions are donor specific, we see examples of genes that exhibit subject specific spatial autocorrelation (Supplementary Fig. 20). This analysis highlights how even without substructure or pathology annotations, using RNAPath and derived spatial statistics, it is possible to assign gene expression to specific tissue neighbourhoods.External validation in TCGA-BRCATo test how well our self-supervised representations and RNAPath predictions generalise to a held-out external dataset, we processed all diagnostic histology slides from The Cancer Genome Atlas breast carcinoma study (TCGA-BRCA) and annotated 15 WSI with breast and breast cancer relevant substructures (see methods). As all GTEx slides are acquired with 20× magnification, using 40× TCGA-BRCA WSI demonstrates the generalisation of our approach. Whilst our ViT model was not trained on any oncology data, we see that tile representations of breast-cancer relevant annotations cluster into distinct groups (median silhouette score = 0.159). We also evaluated Imagenet and CTransPath features on the TCGA-BRCA cohort used to externally validate RNAPath. From the qualitative clustering of annotated patches (Supplementary Fig. 21) as well as the median silhouette scores, we see that our model trained using DINO outperforms ImageNet (0.159 vs 0.084, +89%); however, the coefficient is slightly higher for CTransPath than DINO (0.179 vs 0.159), which is explained by the fact that CTransPath has been trained on TCGA. Therefore, our DINO features trained only on GTEx show good generalisation even out of distribution.Using our kNN approach to segment tissue into its constituent substructures, we see that areas of carcinoma are well segmented from benign tissue (average IoU = 0.723), allowing us to estimate carcinoma proportion variation (0.392 ± 0.212) across all 986 subjects (Supplementary Fig. 22). To validate RNAPath on TCGA-BRCA, we performed two experiments. The first tests RNAPath’s ability to generalise from normal breast to breast carcinoma. Here, we expect the model to be able to predict the expression of genes that are similar across normal breast versus breast carcinoma. With no fine-tuning of our mammary tissue (GTEx) model, we see RNAPath is able to predict known marker genes, for example, PLIN1 in adipocytes (r score = 0.29, P-value = 2.27 × 10−19) (Supplementary Fig. 23) or breast cancer related genes like AQP1 (r score = 0.32, P-value = 1.58 × 10−23). However, many other genes that are correctly regressed in the GTEx dataset have a smaller correlation coefficient when evaluated on TCGA-BRCA, like MEOX2 (r score = 0.85 in GTEx, 0.21 in TCGA-BRCA) or DLK2 (r score = 0.84 in GTEx, 0.16 in TCGA-BRCA). This likely reflects that many relations between healthy tissue morphology and gene expression learnt by the model trained in the healthy breast GTEx cohort are not conserved in carcinoma/tumour resection tissue and therefore fine-tuning can be employed to learn disease-specific changes. To account for the fact areas of carcinoma undergo significant morphological and genetic aberrations that profoundly affect gene expression and to assess RNAPath’s ability to predict carcinoma relevant genes, we fine-tuned the model to predict genes from TCGA-BRCA samples using paired RNA-seq, obtaining a correlation score r > 0.5 for 351 genes.Cyclin E1 (CCNE1) and Progesterone Receptor (PGR also known as PR), represent two well known breast cancer genes present in the PAM50 signatures that are used to delineate the different molecular subtypes of breast cancer41. We see that RNAPath correctly predicts that Luminal-A subtypes are CCNE1- PGR+, whilst Basal subtypes are CCNE1+ PGR- (Fig. 8A, B). The median r score for the genes in the PAM50 signature is 0.43, and when comparing the fold change of Luminal-A and Basal samples mean gene expression between our predictions, we observe a high correlation (r = 0.95).Fig. 8: RNAPath predictions of luminal A and Basal-like PAM50 signature genes.RNAPath model predictions on the PAM50 signature, used to stratify breast cancer at molecular level, correlates with the ground truth, with luminal A samples (A) having low expression (blue) of CCNE1 (3.52) and high expression (red) of PGR (12.51) and basal-like samples B having high expression of CCNE1 (10.86) and low expression of PGR (2.65), as represented in the heatmaps.Moreover, we computed SSES metrics for two genes: CAMKV and MUC2, which have been previously reported to play an important role in mediating proliferation, apoptosis and metastasis of breast cancer cells42. CAMKV and MUC2 are the most enriched genes in areas of carcinoma (SSES = 1.37 and SSES = 1.29 respectively), whilst NCR1 (synonym: CD335) and CLEC6A, both selectively expressed in Natural Killer cells (NK-cells), are spatially localised to lymph nodes (SSES = 8.59 and SSES = 6.42 respectively). In conclusion, we demonstrate strong generalisation for both our self-supervised representations and RNAPath gene expression predictions across both normal histology and oncology datasets.

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