Homoleptic Hexa and Penta Coordinated Gallium(I) Amide Complexes of Ruthenium and Molybdenum

Dalton Trans., 2024, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D4DT00823E, Paper Open Access &nbsp This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.Raphael Bühler, Richard Johannes Josef Weininger, Johannes Stephan, Maximilian Muhr, Balasai Marie-Teres Bock, Christian Gemel, Roland A. FischerReaction of neutral olefin complexes of ruthenium and molybdenum with GaTMP (TMP = 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyl) by substitution leads to the formation of respective five and six coordinated homoleptic products. [Ru(GaTMP)5] (1)…The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry

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