Another very large anomeric effect – with a twist.

Another very large anomeric effect – with a twist.

In the earlier post on the topic of anomeric effects, I identified a number of outliers associated with large differences in the lengths of two carbon-oxygen bonds sharing a common carbon atom.

Here is another of these outliers (MUZZIS[cite]10.1107/S2056989016002899[/cite]) which shows equally unusual properties. This is an oxyanion (counterion is trimethylbenzylammonium) which is part of a very strong O-H-O hydrogen bond in which the O…O distance is 2.44Å and the O-H distances are each indicated as 1.23Å, suggesting the hydrogen is symmetrically disposed about the two oxygens. The anomerically lengthened C-O bonds (shown in red below) are 1.513/1.516Å, which is indeed long for a C-O bond.

A ωB97XD/Def2-SVPP/SCRF=chloroform calculation reveals a less symmetrical hydrogen bonding system, with calculated O-H distances of 1.046/1.434 (mean 1.24Å) and an O-O distance of 2.48Å. The anomerically lengthened C-O distances are 1.479/1.582Å. There are several reasons for these differences:

The temperature at which the X-ray data were recorded was 173K and it remains possible that the data represent an averaged position for the atoms at this temperature rather than a truly symmetrical hydrogen bond.
The basis set/DFT method for the calculation may itself favour unsymmetrical hydrogen bonds.

The two NBO energy perturbation terms for one lone pair on the oxygens interacting with the empty C-O σ* orbital are 31.6 and 57.5 kcal/mol. If the hydrogen bond is in reality entirely symmetric, then the NBO term would be expected to be approximately the average of these two values.
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The earlier record anomeric holder achieved this by virtue of charge relocation involving an oxenium cation rather than the normal effect of charge separation. Here we have a similar effect, this time involving oxy-anionic charge relocation. Both are therefore special cases.


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