An air/metal hydride battery for simultaneous neutralization treatment of acid–base wastewater and power generation

How to efficiently deal with waste acids and bases produced by industry has constantly been a tough question for scientists and engineers. Such acid–base wastewaters are normally treated by mixing to give neutral products (i.e., water and salts) and heat which is hard to collect and reuse. Therefore, there is a need for innovative approaches with high efficiencies and high-value added products. Here, we report an air/metal hydride battery with the function of both treating acid–base wastewaters and gathering the waste heat energy in the form of electricity. Remarkably, the proposed battery could exhibit a high coulombic efficiency of up to ca. 94%, along with an effective reduction in the acidity/alkalinity of waste acids/bases and a decent amount of electricity. The proposed battery device also demonstrates a stable operation in semi-flow mode over a two-day timescale, showcasing its potential scalability and long-term stability. Moreover, life cycle assessment results indicate that electricity retrieved from the treatment process is a key contributor to reducing environmental impacts. This work offers alternative opportunities for accelerating the transition to a waste acid–base circular economy.

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