ACC Comments on EPA’s Asbestos Part 2 Draft TSCA Risk Evaluation

WASHINGTON (April 16, 2024) – Today, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) issued the following statement on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Asbestos Part 2 Draft Risk Evaluation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA):“ACC has strong concerns with EPA’s Asbestos Part 2 Draft Risk Evaluation, particularly given the broad scope of the assessment.“EPA’s continued decision to consider all asbestos fiber types as equal in cancer potency when the science clearly indicates otherwise and when EPA anticipates exposures to mixed fibers is troubling. For more than 40 years, there has been broad agreement in the toxicology and epidemiology community that there are massive differences in the potency of these fiber types for lung cancer and mesothelioma.             “ACC will continue to thoroughly review EPA’s Asbestos Part 2 Draft Risk Evaluation and provide comments to the agency.”

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