Phage discovery a step towards using viruses to fight bacteria

Phages are viruses that infect bacteria. Bacteria have defence mechanisms, not unlike a person’s immune system, which they use to fight back against the viruses. To understand how phages counteract these defences, a New Zealand and international team investigated a particular protein used by phages which was already known to be able to bind DNA, and they discovered it also has a mechanism of binding RNA. This increased understanding is an important step on the way to using phages against bacterial pathogens in human health or agriculture, for instance as alternatives to antibiotics.

Funder: This work was supported by a University of Otago Research Grant,
the former Bio-Protection Research Centre (Tertiary Education Commission, New Zealand)
and Bioprotection Aotearoa (Tertiary Education Commission, New Zealand). N.B. and K.K.
were supported by University of Otago Doctoral Scholarships. P.C.F. was supported by an
Experienced Researcher Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and a
James Cook Research Fellowship from the Royal Society Te Apārangi of New Zealand.
S.A.J. was supported by the Health Research Council of New Zealand (Sir Charles Hercus
Fellowship). M.F. was supported by a fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD) and by German Research Foundation (DFG) grant 468749960 to Z.W. C.L.B. was
supported by a European Research Council Consolidator Grant (865973) and the DFG
(BE 6703/3-1). M.E.W. was supported by a Helen Hay Whitney Foundation/HHMI postdoctoral
fellowship and thanks F. Zhang for funding support. S.C.W. was supported by an Engineering
and Physical Sciences Research Council Molecular Sciences for Medicine Centre for Doctoral
Training studentship (grant number EP/S022791/1). B.U. was supported by a Springboard
Award from the Academy of Medical Sciences (grant number SBF002\1104). T.R.B. was funded
by a Lister Institute Prize Fellowship.

Media release

From: University of Otago

Surprise discovery with big scientific potentialAn unexpected find has enabled important progress to be made in the battle against harmful  bacteria.An international team of researchers, led by Professor Peter Fineran from the University of Otago,  investigated a particular protein used by bacteria-infecting viruses, known as phages.Research into this microscopic arms race between bacteria and phages is important as it can lead to  alternatives to antibiotics.Published in prestigious international journal Nature, the study analysed a protein phages use when  deploying anti-CRISPR, their method of blocking the CRISPR–Cas immune system of bacteria.Lead author Dr Nils Birkholz, of Otago’s Department of Microbiology and Immunology, says understanding how phages interact with bacteria is an important step on the path to using phagesagainst bacterial pathogens in human health or agriculture.“Specifically, we need to know about the defence mechanisms, such as CRISPR, that bacteria use to  protect themselves against phage infection, not unlike how we use our body’s immune system  against viruses, and how phages can counteract these defences.“For example, if we know how phages kill a specific bacterium, this helps identify appropriate phages  to use as antimicrobials. More specifically, it is important to understand how phages control their  counter-defence arsenal, including anti-CRISPR, upon infection – we must understand how phages  regulate the expression of genes that are useful in their battle against bacteria,” he says.The research revealed just how carefully phages need to deploy their anti-CRISPRs.“We already knew that a particular phage protein has a part, or domain, that is very common in  many proteins involved in gene regulation; this helix–turn–helix (HTH) domain is known to be able to  bind DNA sequences specifically, and depending on the context, can turn a gene on or off.“What we found is the HTH domain of this protein is much more versatile and exhibits a regulatory  mode which was previously unknown. It can use this domain to not only bind DNA, but also its RNA  transcript, the molecule which acts as a mediator between the DNA sequence and the anti-CRISPR  encoded in it.“Because this protein is involved in regulating the production of an anti-CRISPR, it means this  regulation has additional layers– it happens not only through the DNA binding mechanism, but also  through the new mechanism we discovered of binding the messenger RNA.”Professor Fineran says the finding could have big implications for the understanding of gene  regulation.“Unravelling this unexpectedly complex regulation is important progress when it comes to  understanding how phages can evade CRISPR–Cas defences and kill target bacteria in a range ofapplications.“The discovery is particularly exciting for the scientific community because it shows a novel  regulatory mechanism in a well-studied family of proteins.“HTH domains have been thoroughly investigated since they were discovered in the early 1980s, so  we initially thought our protein would act just like any other protein with an HTH domain – we were  very surprised when we uncovered this new mode of action.“This finding has the potential to change the way the field views the function and mechanism of this  critical and widespread protein domain, and could have big implications for our understanding of  gene regulation,” he says.

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