Revealing the nature of covalently tethered distonic radical anions in the generation of heteroatom-centered radicals: evidence for the polarity-matching PCET pathway

Recognition of the intermediacy and regulation of reactivity patterns of radical intermediates in radical chemistry have profound impacts on harnessing and developing the full potential of open-shell species in synthetic settings. In this work, the possibility of in situ formation of O/N–X intermediates from Brønsted base covalently tethered carbonyl hypohalites (BCTCs) for the generation of heteroatom-centered radicals has certainly been excluded by NMR experiments and density functional theory calculations. Instead, the spectroscopic analyses reveal that the BCTCs serve as precursors of tether-tunable distonic radical anions (TDRAs) which have been unequivocally substantiated to be involved in the direct cleavage of O/N–H bonds to generate the corresponding heteroatom-centered radicals. Meanwhile, a deep insight into the properties and reactivities of the resulting TDRAs indicates that the introduction of a tethered Brønsted base on the parent open-shell species reinforces their stabilities and leads to a reversal of electrophilicity. Moreover, the dual descriptor values and electrophilicity indices are calculated based on eleven reported radical reactions involving various electrophilic/nucleophilic radical species, further confirming their validity in the prediction of the polar effect and the polarity-matching consistency between nucleophilic TDRAs and protic O/N–H bonds. The additional halogen-free experiments mediated by the combination of phthaloyl peroxide and TEMPO also prove the feasibility of the TDRA-assisted philicity-regulation approach. Lastly, detailed intrinsic bond orbital (IBO) and Hirschfeld spin population analyses are employed to elucidate that the H-atom abstraction processes are the polarity-matching proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) pathways, with a degree of oxidative asynchronicity.

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