Foundation Medicine Partners with Merus to Advance RNA Sequencing Companion Diagnostic for NRG1+ Cancers

Foundation Medicine, a leader in comprehensive genomic profiling, is excited to announce a strategic collaboration with Merus to develop an RNA sequencing-based companion diagnostic. This partnership aims to enhance the precision of Merus’s bispecific antibody, zenocutuzumab (Zeno), in treating patients with neuregulin 1 fusion (NRG1+) cancers.
Zeno, a novel Biclonics® therapeutic, targets the neuregulin/HER3 signaling pathway implicated in solid tumors with NRG1 fusions. By blocking the interaction between HER2 and HER3, Zeno demonstrates potent antitumor activity, showing promise in clinical trials for NRG1+ non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and pancreatic cancer. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Breakthrough Therapy Designation for Zeno in these indications, highlighting its potential in managing challenging cancer types.
Foundation Medicine’s RNA sequencing platform will play a crucial role in this collaboration by providing a sophisticated approach to fusion detection. While DNA sequencing has been traditionally used to identify gene fusions, RNA sequencing offers a complementary method with advanced capabilities. This technology can detect fusions across 318 genes and deliver gene expression profiles for over 1,500 genes, enhancing the precision of fusion detection and biomarker discovery.

“We are excited to partner with Merus on this RNA companion diagnostic opportunity to provide fusion detection through next-generation sequencing,” says Troy Schurr, Chief Biopharma Business Officer at Foundation Medicine. “We anticipate this innovative molecular information will help detect more NRG1 fusions and provide healthcare providers with important information to inform their care decisions for patients.”

The collaboration aims to leverage Foundation Medicine’s RNA sequencing expertise to develop a companion diagnostic that will improve the detection of NRG1 fusions, offering valuable insights for clinicians and supporting more personalized treatment approaches.
This partnership marks a significant step forward in the field of precision oncology, paving the way for more effective and targeted therapies for patients with rare and challenging cancers.
For more information about Foundation Medicine and its comprehensive genomic profiling solutions, visit Foundation Medicine.
Source – BusinessWire

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